一流のネガティブな話への対処法-How to deal with negative stories-
Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced how first-class people satisfy their customers' need for approval. They give approval using expressions that are one level above what you would normally use. If you are interested, please check out that article as well. This time, I would like to introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "First-class, second-class, and third-class chat.
"Third-rate people ignore them, second-rate people agree with them, and first-rate people encourage them with all their might. Even when chatting, it's not always an exciting topic. Sometimes the other person will bring up negative topics. However, if you share your negativity with each other, the conversation may end in a bad atmosphere for both of you, so it's not a good idea. The best thing is to put the other person in a positive state, even if just a little, during the conversation."
"To achieve this, mix the following "three major desires that make people feel positive" into your conversation. 1: To be recognized 2: To be praised 3: To be encouraged. When it comes to negative topics, first accept the story, and then acknowledge, praise, and encourage it at the end. Try to be conscious of the end of the conversation so that you can flip the "motivation switch" and end the conversation on a positive note instead of a negative one."
What did you all think? Sometimes we feel like saying negative things, right? But if both of us are negative, we end up feeling down. In those cases, why not try to turn negative into positive and be conscious of how you talk? By satisfying the three basic needs, you may be able to make each other feel positive. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.