
商品購入における人間の心理とは!?-What is the psychology of consumers when purchasing products?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced a way to speak that will greatly increase the persuasiveness of your presentation. Modern psychology says that it is better to speak quickly at first and then slowly afterwards. If you are interested, please check out that article as well. And this time, I will introduce some excerpts from "Techniques to make your mind go with your will" regarding the contents of the title.


There is a principle in psychology that can be used called the "Goldilocks effect." It is also known as the "Shochiku-Ume principle." If a restaurant has three courses, A costs 3,000 yen, B costs 4,000 yen, and C costs 6,000 yen, many people will choose B. However, it has been found that if only A and B are offered, 70% of people will choose A. If what you want to sell is a 4,000 yen product, then you should purposely offer products that cost 3,000 yen and 6,000 yen.”


”Then, the probability of choosing the 4,000 yen product increases to over 50%, and the 3,000 yen and 6,000 yen products also sell 20-30% better. People are reluctant to choose if they have nothing to compare it to. When there are two products, the cheaper one sells better. When there are three products lined up, it becomes easier to choose the middle product, and the other two also become easier to buy. In this case, a price ratio of 3:4:6 is considered good.


What did you all think? Did you find any of these answers resonate with you? I also tend to choose the middle one when I'm in a new store or looking for something I don't know. I also sometimes ask the store clerk about the differences and then choose. If you're a seller, it might be a good idea to offer multiple options instead of narrowing it down to one, and let the customer choose. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


