




Markus Marthaler 🇨🇭• Triathlon • Swimming on Instagram: "The kick plays an important role that contributes to speed.  * Firstly it is intuitive and obvious: Kicking directly creates propulsion. A fast, powerful kick can create a lot of speed, especially over shorter distances. Because a powerful kick is fatiguing, you should only use it over shorter distances. Your kick is most effective when you perform it at a high rate of speed, rather than with a large amplitude.  * Secondl it is less obvious yet no less important: Your kick serves to counterbalance any arm, breathing, or body motions that move your body out of alignment. For instance, the beginning of your pull causes your hips to sink, and the harder you pull, the more your hips sink. A strong kick counteracts this sinking effect.  * If you’ve ever swum with a band around your ankles, you immediately notice how much more difficult it is to keep your body in line. That’s because your kick can no longer serve this important function. As a result, you have a lot more body movement with each stroke. Fortunately, these counterbalancing actions tend to happen naturally, much like how we naturally react upon stumbling on land by using our arms and legs to maintain balance. Because it’s nearly impossible to remove every action that puts us off balance, your kick is incredibly important in helping you move forward. * Finally, your kick helps to create the side-to-side rolling rhythm in your stroke. A strong downward kick will shift the same-side hip up in an equal and opposite reaction. If your right leg kicks down, your right hip will move up and your left hip will move down, shifting your body from the right to the left. Although your arms also facilitate your body rotation, this extra action by your kick can smooth out the rotational process. This is why all effective kicks have a two-beat pattern at their base.  👉 @markus_marthaler #swimbikerun #swimming #triathlon #natation #nage #nager #swim #nageur #switzerland #suisse #bodensee #montagne #mountains #openwaterswimming #piscine #swimmingtechnique #swimsmart #swimsmooth #swimmingtraining #underwater #monaco #piscine #swimmingpool" 1,289 likes, 17 comments - markus_marthaler on August 7, 2024 www.instagram.com
