
It Can’t Be! Combination With Caffeine And L-theanine makes 10% rising concentration up!

This study was from 2008, it is bit old and incorporated with Unilever and it’s some subsidiaries asking to their employees to be involved to ingest Theanine and caffeine combination or control (a water).
The researcher wanted to know about cognition and attention and response speed by this research. A principals were 27, and they were just as healthy

It says that 8 cups of tea significantly Improves cognitive capacity and concentration.
They used 250mg Lipton iced tea containing 100mg Theanine and 35g Caffeine

What they found was...
* Tea and coffee has a similar effect of activation of the body
* Tea is less disruption of a sleep

Next study is from Swinburne University in Australia 2014.

* A participants were healthy and do exercise regularly and they took “Green Tea”, “Black tea”, or “Oolong tea” orally
* Caffeine alone group
* Control group (Just a water)
* All of Tea contains theanine and EGCG

Let’s go for what they found. That the study found combination of theanine and caffeine made better result of attention and response speed improved then control group. The participants took some tests after ingestion 60 mins and 90 mins.

There were four tests
First: Research for emotion and mood
* Express their feelings with 16 adjectives, for example, “happy-sad”, “sociable-withdrawn”, and “calm-excited”
* Measure their feelings from “not at all” to “extremely” with 7 adjectives like “relax”, “alert”, “headache”, “jittery”, “tired”, tense “, and “overall”
* Express how were they visited by Anxiety with 20 expressions

Second: Cognitive function test
* Research using numbers and letters. When the numbers are purple color, they need to press the button . When letters come with red color and vowel they need to press the button
* Research for vision and auditory. As vision test, an arrows pointing right or left direction, a two different direction showing as visual stimuli. As auditory test, there was two different pitch they would listen and choose which they heard
* Research for working memory. The participants were showed a number from 1 to 9, when they saw continuing odd numbers or even numbers (1-3-5, 2-4-6), they should press the button as quickly as they can. The researcher checked their response speed and accuracy

As the result...
* For attention, when People was ingested caffeine 30 ml and 50 ml or 150 ml, obviously the latter has significantly improved after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, even after 90 minutes, and 150 mummies. However, People was ingested Theanine alone didn’t Improves so well even 97 ml ingested

As you want to calm yourself down, it no use of caffeine. Well, theanine... it is too you don’t really expect to it because the Effect from theanine was a bit improvement even the participants got 250 ml of it. Would you think it doesn’t sound great, isn’t it?

For anxiety, it is no doubt about caffeine gives its high effects for who were infested. Theanine ingested group also gets higher anxiety compared to control group but it is not like caffeine does so you don’t necessarily worry it so much.

From the result of cognitive function, the most effective was caffeine and theanine combination the combination made the participants better concentration kept going. For that matter, accuracy was hit better results than response time.

Next study was published from The City of University of New York 2008.

As the result of caffeine infested, blood pressure will go up but theanine negates its Effect of Caffeine nicely. However, occurrence of anxiety, impatience, and attention aren’t be bothered.

Most of studies show, in fact, it definitely depends on how much caffeine and theanine are infested for example, the research from New York University have the participants 250 ml caffeine and 200 ml theanine.
Caffeine effects 30 minutes later ingested and theanine effects 50 minutes later ingested.

There is theanine and caffeine in Green tea but from above studies showing effect you want to get the same, you have to drink 6 to 10 cups of Tea for in instance. It is not impossible you may think it is too hard to drink such amount so you may consider to take them by supplements below. Hope you have the result that you want! Bye for now then.
