

 "Chive""Garlic""Rakkyou""Onion""Scallion" are called  as "Five Yam", which have strong smell and energy.
    And Garlic and Onion are used for curry. In Indian curry restaurants, they say, "Excluding Onion and Garlic".
    Anyhow, let's make it at first! 

 Probably each chef has his own strong intension for such kind of dish. And there are several recipe on Internet. I thought about what kind of recipe I take. And I decided to make for the first one only to exclude "Onion and Garlic". I will use lentils bean instead of onion.
 And to compare each one to study about the taste at the next try. 

 To begin with, onion plays very important roll is curry. Although in South India, usually they don't fry onion for a long time, however, still onion provides sweetness and depth in taste.

 Conclusion: Oh I see ! It is so tasty without Onion and Garlic !!
 As for the energy, maybe it takes time. And as for the smell, I didn't think of the difference. I need to study more what is the relation between "Excluding Five Yam" and the smell.

 By the way, "Excluding Five Yam" is the important concept of Buddhist cuisine. Probably Buddhism is more original. I want to study more about how Indian cuisine took it in. 

 And I want to organize myself more about the direction of the healthy food of the curry. 

