

 ビリヤニってほんとおいしいですね。インドカレー界の王者は「バターチキンカレー」のようですが、迫力で完全に凌駕していないですか? しかも全世界に君臨するかのような勢いです。私の大好きなチェティナードカレーも、残念ながら「ローカル」な位置付けに見えてしまう。
 Biryani is extremely tasty. It might be that the king of Indian Curry is "Butter Chicken Curry", however isn't it correct that Biryani is chasing rapidly by its massive power ?  In addition, it is going to spreading out into all over the world. It looks that my favorite "Chettinad Curry seems being local.

 I think that all those dishes that are being worth worldwide, hold "strong capability of localization" inside. For example, Dumpling, basically Northern Eastern China's boiled dumpling is the original.   And there are so many variety like Fried Dumpling in Japan, Korean Mantou, Momo in Nepal and so on in each local characteristics.

 ビリヤニだって、もっと地方色があっていいと思うんですよね。例えばマレーシアでは、ココナッツミルクとレモングラス等を多めに投入するとか。カレーのグレイビーはあまりまろやかにしすぎず、バスマティーライスに加 えてナシレマ風にしてみるとか。
 Why don't we think about Biryani as well can have its local character ?For example in Malaysia, rich flavor of coconuts milk and lemon grass and so on.  

 For example in Hiroshima, to add Chinese noodle in biryani, like Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki. In the layer of Gravies →Chinese Noodle →Basmati Rice →toppings.  

 Just for reference, I am in a position of "Priority in the origin" Coffee as well, my origin is "hand drip", then "sweet Nang Yang Coffee" is respect. Both important. 

 Therefore, I will focus on the essential enough in 2025 at first.
 I think most important point to make Biryani is how to make Basmati Rice well fluffy, absorbing extract from the meat, and flavor of spice.  That is how to boil rice, how to cook rice and how to steam rice, all suitably.

 In fact it looks so difficult for me, I got necessary reference from the attached movie.
① 茹でる時間は、3分から6分と幅を持たせ、3分=最下層→6分=上層と、段階を持たせ、下層の強めの熱と上層の弱めの熱とでの均一を図る。
       Boiling time is between 3 -6 minutes. To place lower part with short boiling and higher part with longer boiling, then make it uniformed.

② 炊く時間は約20分で中火→弱火。ここも難しいですよ。炊きすぎると焦げで大変になってしまいます。焦げはイヤなので下記印度カリー子さんレシピではクックパーを底に敷かれている。すごいなあ。早速マネさせていただきました。
 Cooking time is around 20 minutes, start from middle firepower, then changed to lower firepower.

③ 蒸らしは20分。これは重要な最期行程ながらただ「待つ」もので、特に焦る必要はないですね。。
 Steam time is 20 minutes.

 Raita (yogurt sauce) was also prepared.

 Telling the truth, it is the third time to make Biryani myself. I think it is a little bit improved to get FLUFFY of rice. Continue trying !!
