
“性と生” “エロス”と”生きる” 2018年1月14日の記録 “Sex and Life” “Erotism and Living Power”

出産はエクスタシー~私のお産の話~ I felt ECSTASY when giving birth ~ The story of my delivery ~

術後の産婦人科病棟 ~消えない“産みたい”という気持ち~at gynecology ward after surgery ~ Feeling that "I want to have a baby again." did not disappear. ~

美しい私の女性器~広汎子宮摘出術後の自己導尿~             My Beautiful Vagina ~ Self-urination after hysterectomy surgery ~

限界 〜術後2日目の記録〜 I had reached my limit. ~ a record on the second day after surgery ~