

“小さな参加”を積み重ね、街の文脈をかたちづくる|「Playable Week 2022」レポート

「まずJR東日本がチャレンジする必要がある」 担当者たちに聞く、あたらしい街の“Playable”な実験


“JR East needs to take the initiative for challenge”: Staff members share their voices on the new city’s “Playable“ experiments

食による“関係人口増加”へのステップ 生産者・生活者繋ぐ「高輪ゲートウェイ駅 ポケマルシェ」の取り組み

A step toward increasing “population involvement” through food: “Takanawa Gateway Station Pocket Marché“ an initiative that connects producers and consumers

Connecting Space, People, Community, and Culture: Exploring an urban space of a city that will continue to change, looking ahead to the next 100 years

街に余白をつくり、遊びとアイデアで埋めていきたい JRが考える街のキーワード「Playable」とは

We want to create a blank space in the city and fill it with play and ideas. JR's keyword for the city: "Playable”

モンテッソーリ教育📚 1歳~
