小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/12  Small Story Series






The mornings in the city are always lively, filled with people bustling about. Today, like any other, the subway station was crowded with commuters. Amidst the hustle, a small piece of paper on a bench caught my eye.

It was a flyer for a newly opened stationery store. The photo showed an array of colorful pens and notebooks, and just looking at it warmed my heart. It reminded me of the times I visited stationery stores with my grandmother as a child. She always bought me some little item.

Memories of my grandmother flooded back, and I found myself picking up the flyer. I tucked it into my pocket, taking a moment to step away from the daily rush. Maybe I'll stop by that new stationery store on my way home from work. Perhaps I'll find something special. And with that special something, I'll create new memories.

These little discoveries in everyday life enrich our spirits. It seems that a simple flyer has offered me a small adventure today.
