













私が参加しているDOORプロジェクト、Diversity on the Arts Project (通称:DOOR)の詳細はこちらのサイトを参照ください。

こちらのケア・コミュニケーション領域のDOORプロジェクトで私の作品(静穏の場所から見える世界 - The World Seen from here)も展示させてもらっています。展示に参加でき貴重な体験となりました。

title:  静穏(せいおん)の場所から見える世界 - The World Seen from here












11月26日(日) まで週末を中心に色んなシンポジウム、ワークショップのプログラムをやってますので是非お越しください。




日程:2023年11月10日(金)〜11月26日(日)/15日間 休館日:月曜日
所在地:〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12-8 東京藝術大学
問合せ:050-5541-8600 (ハローダイヤル)
URL: https://www.geijyutsumiraikenkyujou2023.geidai.ac.jp/

主催:東京藝術大学 芸術未来研究場/共生社会をつくるアートコミュニケーション共創拠点(ケア&コミュニケーション領域)

#東京藝術大学 #東京藝術大学大学美術館 #芸術未来研究場 #アートDX #アーカイブ #ケア #コミュニケーション #日比野克彦 #doorプロジェクト #TAP #未来創造継承センター #TokyoUniversityofTheArts #tokyogeidai #geidai


AI English below

On November 10, 2023, I attended the opening day of the "Art Future Research Field Exhibition" held at the Tokyo University of the Arts Museum. The day included a press tour and symposium hosted by President Hibino.

I exhibited my work in the CARE and communication field through the DOOR project, and as part of the press, I had the opportunity to interact with other professors and participants, making it a fulfilling experience.

◆ "Research Place" instead of a research institute?
The Art Future Research Institute, established in April this year, is named a "Research Place." Unlike closed research institutes, it aims to be a space where diverse players come together to practice art for an open society and co-create the future.

◆ Theme: "Art Impacts the Future!"
The exhibition showcases not only academic works but also projects born from the creativity of art.

The press tour led by President Hibino involved conversations with creators across five areas. Hearing directly from the creators, including myself, fostered new communication.

One of the highlights of this exhibition is the ceiling of each area. If you look up, you will see a banner with a message written on it, which, when viewed in conjunction with the artwork, will give you a better understanding of the work.

◆ About the Five Fields of the Research Place.
The Art Future Research Place aims to create future art in collaboration with society. It operates in five main areas, in partnership with various stakeholders and organizations, both within and outside the university. These areas may evolve over time.

  1. CARE & Communication Field: Explores the social value of art in building a well-being society, including healthcare, welfare, and community.

    • For more information on the DOOR project (Diversity on the Arts Project) I'm involved in, please visit door.geidai.ac.jp.

  2. Art DX Field: Expands the possibilities of art through digital and ICT technologies in education and research.

  3. Creative Archive Field: Promotes research on preserving and inheriting art in diverse forms, and its application in new creations.

  4. Curation Field: Develops talents and practical research in weaving relationships between art and contemporary society through dialogue and collaboration.

  5. Art Education & Liberal Arts Field: Explores education at Tokyo University of the Arts, expanding art education to a broader audience, and fostering a society where art is an integral part of life, regardless of region, age, or social status.

The Art Future Research Institute is not confined to fine arts, architecture, crafts, or music but is a new platform that blends these five areas to pioneer the future of art and society.

The exhibition runs until November 26, 2023, with various symposiums and workshops mainly on weekends. Please visit and experience it yourself.

Exhibition Schedule:
"Art Impacts the Future!"
Tokyo University of the Arts "Art Future Research Field Exhibition"

Dates: November 10 to November 26, 2023 (15 days) /
Closed on Mondays Time: 10:00 - 17:00 (open until 20:00 on the first day, last entry 30 minutes before closing)
Venue: Tokyo University of the Arts Museum, Exhibition Rooms 3 & 4
Admission: Free, no reservation required
Location: 12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8714
Contact: 050-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)
URL: https://www.geijyutsumiraikenkyujou2023.geidai.ac.jp/

Supervised by Katsuhiko Hibino (President of Tokyo University of the Arts / Head of Art Future Research Place)
Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts Art Future Research Place / Art Communication Co-creation Hub for a Coexisting Society (CARE & Communication Field) In cooperation with Tokyo University of the Arts Museum Visit www.geijyutsumiraikenkyujou2023.geidai.ac.jp for more information on the Tokyo University of the Arts Art Future Research Place Exhibition.

