【英語日記】2023/01① ハリー...
Celebrating a happy new year, in this special day, I watched 'Harry Potter'. I am really mad of this movie even now on my adult age. When I was a primary school student I met Harry Potter at first. Watching this briliant movie always makes me feel like a destiny of having been decided to coming across to it as everyone feel so. I think a movie which have put you extraordinary interest for the first time in childhood makes your favor through your life. Some giggling Dialogue, distinctive subtitles, surprising sounds and actors's enthusiastic behaviors, all attributes leave in my memory. As you grow up, the memory develops themselves more specifically and sharply in your mind. That's why anytime you feel like fresh whenever you see the most favorite movie.
2023年1月1日 DeepL先生
Today I came back to laboring days. I felt like lost of all my ability and willingness of working. Why the first working day after a long vacation makes me so stressful? Fortunately, I got to known a concept of mindfulness recently. Mindfulness is said to have an effect of reducing your stress and feeling relax. In concrete, you are should do meditation. NY Times said, Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. Is this true? I am willing to pursue it and report how the effect is.
2023年1月4日 DeepL先生
今日、私は労働の日々に戻ってきた。今までの能力や意欲をすべて失ったような気分である。長い休みの後の最初の出勤は、どうしてこんなにストレスがたまるのだろう。幸いなことに、最近マインドフルネスという概念を知ることができた。マインドフルネスとは、ストレスを軽減し、気持ちをリラックスさせる効果があると言われています。具体的には、瞑想をすることです。NY Timesによると、瞑想は誰でもできる簡単な練習で、ストレスを減らし、落ち着きと明晰さを増し、幸福を促進することができるそうです。これは本当だろうか?私はそれを追求し、どのような効果があるかを報告したいと思います。