About myself #5 -As a hotelman #2-
I'll write about my experiences as a bellperson.
Although there are many kinds of duties, I'll introduce some of them today.
About room check
If the guest doesn't appear to check out at the front desk over the check-out time, a front clerk asks us to visit the guest's room bringing the master key, which is available to open all rooms, go to the space, and ring the chime thrice.
If there is no answer, we try to open it with the master key.
And check inside.
It is the moment under tension.
There are several types of reasons for no answer; one of them is a "skipper" who disappears without payment.
In that case, we must immediately report to the front desk, and the clerk calls the police.
One of my colleagues happened to touch many things in that room, so he was fingerprinted.
In my case, I rang the chime thrice and tried to open it with the master key, but it was locked from the inside.
I was frightened and called the front desk; the clerk told me to return there immediately.
In that case, we are supposed to open it with the emergency key, which is available even if it had locked from the inside.
Going down to the front desk in the elevator to pick up the emergency key, I thought I didn't want to be the first person to find "something."
When I arrived at the front desk, the clerk told me the guest had called the front desk and said he had slept over.
I was relieved to hear that, indeed.
My heart was in my mouth until then.
Luckily, I hadn't experienced it, but sometimes unexpected results happen.