
ガリレオ新訳・英語解説|Winnie-the_Pooh Ch.3 #5







‘The tracks!’ said Pooh. ‘A third animal has joined the other two!

‘Pooh!’ cried Piglet. ‘Do you think it is another Woozle?’

‘No,’ said Pooh, ‘because it makes different marks. It is either Two Woozles and one, as it might be, Wizzle, or Two, as it might be, Wizzles and one, if so it is, Woozle. Let us continue to follow them.’

So they went on, feeling just a little anxious now, in case the three animals in front of them were of Hostile Intent. And Piglet wished very much that his Grandfather T. W. were there, instead of elsewhere, and Pooh thought how nice it would be if they met Christopher Robin suddenly but quite accidentally, and only because he liked Christopher Robin so much. And then, all of a sudden, Winnie-the-Pooh stopped again, and licked the tip of his nose in a cooling manner, for he was feeling more hot and anxious than ever in his life before. There were four animals in front of them!

‘Do you see, Piglet? Look at their tracks! Three, as it were, Woozles, and one, as it was, Wizzle. Another Woozle has joined them!

And so it seemed to be. There were the tracks; crossing over each other here, getting muddled up with each other there; but, quite plainly every now and then, the tracks of four sets of paws.


A third animal has joined the other two!

新たに加わった3匹目は初めて話題に上る不特定の個体であるため、不定冠詞 aを伴っている。一方、足跡を追っていた2匹の方は、その正体こそ不明ではあるにしても、すでに意識の上に存在している特定の対象である(「どの2匹?」と問い返される余地がない)ため、定冠詞 theで表されている。

as it might be

ピグレットの ‘Do you think it is another Woozle?’に対し、確証は持てないながらも「たとえば・ひょっとすると」と可能性を示している表現で、その不確実さが might beで表されている。




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