
ガリレオ新訳・英語解説|Winnie-the-Pooh Ch.1 #10

Well, you both went out with the blue balloon, and you took your gun with you, just in case, as you always did, and Winnie-the-Pooh went to a very muddy place that he knew of, and rolled and rolled until he was black all over; and then, when the balloon was blown up as big as big, and you and Pooh were both holding on to the string, you let go suddenly, and Pooh Bear floated gracefully up into the sky, and stayed there—level with the top of the tree and about twenty feet away from it.

‘Hooray!’ you shouted.
‘Isn't that fine?’ shouted Winnie-the-Pooh down to you. ‘What do I look like?’
‘You look like a Bear holding on to a balloon,’ you said.
‘Not,’ said Pooh anxiously, ‘—not like a small black cloud in a blue sky?’
‘Not very much.’
‘Ah, well, perhaps from up here it looks different. And, as I say, you never can tell with bees.’

your gun

Christopher Robinが持っていった銃というのは、コルク製の弾を空気圧で飛ばす「おもちゃの銃」である(E.H. シェパードによる挿絵参照)。

日英語を問わず、「おもちゃの銃」であっても ‘gun’の一言で表せたり、「ぬいぐるみのクマ」のことでも「クマちゃん」と呼べたりすることばの仕組みをシネクドキ (synecdoche)という。Gunという上位概念の「類」に言及するだけで、本物の銃・おもちゃの銃・絵に描いた銃…といった様々な「類」を意味することができるのである。


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