ガリレオ新訳・英語解説|Winnie-the_Pooh Ch.3 #4
There was a small spinney of larch trees just here, and it seemed as if the two Woozles, if that is what they were, had been going round this spinney; so round this spinney went Pooh and Piglet after them; Piglet passing the time by telling Pooh what his Grandfather Trespassers W had done to Remove Stiffness after Tracking, and how his Grandfather Trespassers W had suffered in his later years from Shortness of Breath, and other matters of interest, and Pooh wondering what a Grandfather was like, and if perhaps this was Two Grandfathers they were after now, and, if so, whether he would be allowed to take one home and keep it, and what Christopher Robin would say. And still the tracks went on in front of them....
Suddenly Winnie-the-Pooh stopped, and pointed excitedly in front of him. ‘Look!’
‘What?’ said Piglet, with a jump. And then, to show that he hadn't been frightened, he jumped up and down once or twice more in an exercising sort of way.
a small spinney of larch trees
spinneyはイギリス英語で用いられる語で「やぶ・木立 (a small area of trees)」のこと。larch treesは「カラマツ」。
if that is what they were,
as if節の主部 (the two Woozles)と述部 (had been going round this spinney)の間に挿入された節。‘the two Woozles’とは言ったものの、「もしそれが実際にそう (= Woozles)だったのであれば」と途中で注釈を挟んでいる格好になる。