
【アーカイブ小論考】芸術を支えるもの|芸術の自律性 ~藤田直哉『前衛のゾンビたち』、クレア・ビショップ『敵対と関係性の美学』を読んで~










○ 藤田直哉「前衛のゾンビたち―地域アートの諸問題」雑誌『すばる』(2014年10月号)所収
○ クレア・ビショップ「敵対と関係性の美学」雑誌『表象』05号(2011年4月)所収


【Archived Essay】
What Supports the Arts | The Autonomy of Art - Reading Naoya Fujita's "Avant-Garde Zombies" and Claire Bishop's "Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics"

  What is art? - On the premise that the concept of art was formed during the process of modernizing Western European civilization, I have offered the following rough and hastily written consideration, based on the two essays mentioned above.

  Roughly speaking, in the Middle Ages in Europe, people were deeply regulated by the teachings of Christianity in everything from politics to every aspect of life. After that, especially in Western Europe, new ways of thinking gradually emerged around the Renaissance. This movement freed people from the shackles of Christianity, and the modern era was opened up by a rediscovery of what it means to be human. This is the modern view of history. As a result, in Europe, each and every person who had previously been based directly on God was cast out into the wilderness, away from the home of the church, as if they were to be autonomous on their own.

  However, humans are not strong enough to exist in the world without any basis (support). To imagine this fear, imagine an astronaut thrown into pitch black space without a lifeline, weightless with no direction, no top, bottom, front, back, left, right, east, west, north, south. Therefore, modern people turn away from this fear and crave something that can stand up as a substitute for God - a prop. Of course, science was invented as one of those "props." Art has also been developed as an alternative to religion, focusing on the expression of the ego and individuality. Artists are given the status of creators who create something from nothing as a substitute for God. For example, the myth of the genius, a unique individuality typified by Vincent van Gogh, was invented. Furthermore, in the world of philosophy, the descendant of religion, Friedrich Nietzsche even declared that God was dead. As a result, art has come to play an increasingly important role as a "support for" those who find themselves alone.

  By the way, the question arises as to whether art needs a "stop" to support itself. It is the same as the simple and fundamental question in the field of science: what is beyond the edge of the universe? Incidentally, it could be said that it was theology that constructed the theoretical system that says that the existence of God does not need a "stop". And how did modern art avoid this aporia? It attempted to establish the autonomy of art, or in other words the theology of art, by using the tautology that art is the definition of art. The hard core of such modernist art was Clement Greenberg's formalism.   However, one could say that the myth of autonomy is now reaching its expiration date in the modern era. For this reason, art, especially in Japan, has repeatedly used things that could be interpreted as defiant, such as town revitalization, regional development, social capital, nursing care, social inclusion, and ultimately the idea that it would be fine to just have a festival, as "stops" to support the autonomy of art. This is the avant-garde that Naoya Fujita criticizes, that is, regional art as a zombie of modernism. (Incidentally, Fujita still expects more than just painkillers from art, so he could be called the last modernist.)

  Well, the essays of Nicolas Bourriaud and Claire Bishop can be basically identified with the same diagram. In short, Bourriaud brings in the viewer - and by extension the community - as the "support" that supports art, while Bishop brings in politics. On a macroscopic level, is it too much to say that they are similar, that they are like incest? On the other hand, the circumstances surrounding the concept of art, especially in Japan, are complicated. We do not need to wait for the research of Noriaki Kitazawa to know that art was defined as an imported product by the government as part of the Westernization policy in Japan, and it was accepted. In other words, before the Edo period, things like decorations, furnishings, and tools, which we would now call crafts, existed, but art did not. In other words, it was something that was useful. There was no art as an expression of individuality.

  On the other hand, religion in Japan did not regulate individuals and society as deeply as Christianity did. It seems that people from Europe and the Middle East feel that Japanese religion (excluding new religions) is so loose that it can no longer be called religion. Rather, even without Abe Kinya's research, society was a latent norm. In Japan, since the Meiji Restoration, the Christian fiction of the Emperor System was introduced in order to establish independent individuals on a par with the Western powers. And it was necessary to rapidly accept Western thought, including art, which served as a "stop bar" to support it. And especially after the war, Japan was influenced by the West in the age of modernism, when the "stop bar" supporting art was coming off, and it was forced to deal with a very complicated situation.

  The regional art that Naoya Fujita speaks of can be said to have been a Japanese adaptation of Bourriaud's aesthetics of relationships, which was delayed due to the Japanese translation of Bourriaud's work. If that is the case, then in Japan, the use of the community of society as a "block" for the sake of art - or, to put it another way, regional art, in which art itself dissolves and melts into the "block" community of society - can be said to be a kind of atavistic repetitive threat, whether good or bad.

  To add to Bishop's argument, it is still unclear whether there has ever been a modern civil revolution (i.e. democratic revolution) in Japan, where the Oedipus complex does not directly apply. Moreover, in Japan, where there is a high degree of pressure to conform, can the aesthetics of resistance that Bishop speaks of have a genuine meaning? It may be safe not to expect too much in this regard. Is that too pessimistic? The conclusion is still unclear.
