Zemlinsky: Die Seejungfrau, Schreker: Der Geburtstag der Infantin

模範とすべきsuccess storyです。

私はおとぎ話とcross-sellingがEuler's formulaのように美しく紐付けられたこれらのstrategicなperformanceにすっかり魅せられてしまいました。

Vasily Petrenkoはgroupのpotentialを最大限に引き出す事の出来る " consultant " としてかねてより知られていましたが、彼の魔法にかけられたRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestraの本作におけるoutputも下馬評通りにidealです。

Hans Christian AndersenとOscar Wildeの童話を原作としたこれらのorchestral worksはbedtime storyのように幻想的なbackgroundを基調としつつ、最終的にエグい結末を迎えると言う共通項を持ちますが、この優秀なteamは八面玲瓏たるbrilliantなsoundに終止する事なく、本質として目を背ける事の出来ないドロっとしたcrueltyを醸し出す事に成功しています。

指揮者と演奏団体、双方の力量を指し示す有力なportfolioである事は勿論のこと、同曲異演の少ない両作品のbest practiceとしても垂涎の的です。


This is a success story to emulate. I was completely captivated by these strategic performances, where fairy tales and cross-selling are beautifully linked like Euler's formula. Vasily Petrenko has long been known as a "consultant" who can maximize the potential of groups, and the output of this work by the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, which he enchanted, is ideal as expected. These orchestral works, based on fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen and Oscar Wilde, have in common that they are based on a fantastic background like a bedtime story and ultimately end in a gruesome way, but this excellent team has succeeded in creating a thick cruelty that cannot be ignored as its essence, rather than ending with a brilliant sound that is all-round beautiful. Not only is it a powerful portfolio that indicates the abilities of both the conductor and the performing group, but it is also a coveted item as the best practice of both works, which are rarely performed differently. The little girl who was presented with this album before going to sleep at night is very lucky. She will grow up with dreams of her own, and will surely become a princess with a rich imagination in the future!
