原爆を発明(というより、開発)後日 共産主義者だと疑われた
[ Captain Ramius has entered his personal quarters to see the zampolit (political officer), Ivan Putin, reading his Bible. ]
Ivan Putin: [reading, in Russian] "Behold, I am coming as a thief... and he gathered them all together in a place called Armageddon... [English] and the Seventh Angel poured forth his bowl into the air, and a voice cried out from Heaven, saying, "It is done!" A man of your responsibilities reading about the end of the world? And what's this? "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Captain Ramius: It is an ancient Hindu text, quoted by an American.
Ivan Putin: An American?
Captain Ramius: Mmm. He invented the atomic bomb. He was later accused of being a communist.