
続【英語で検索Cost Per Conversion編】:マーケティング用語の不可思議(日本語と英語で略語が違うの?!)

の続きです。ChatGPTとBardに日本語でCost Per ConversionとCost Per Acquisitionのことを聞いてみたので、今度は英語で聞いてみるとどうなるのか。【英語で検索編】です。

Cost Per Conversionはコンバージョンあたりのコスト、つまりコンバージョン単価と日本語に訳すのが自然ですし、確実にそうでしょう。
が!!!日本語でコンバージョン単価で検索すると、CPAが出るのですよね。AはCost Per AcquisitionのAだよね。なんで?どこで捻じれたの?日本語と英語でそれぞれChatGPTとBardに聞いてみたらとっても摩訶不思議で楽しいことになった。


ICDLに「Digital Marketing」のモジュールがあってそれの翻訳作業をしているってのもあるのですけれど。あ、英語でDigital Marketingを勉強してみたいって方はお問い合わせください。テストセンターをご紹介します。

Tell me the difinision in study of marketing: Cost Per Conversion.



Chat GPTのスクリーンショット

Cost Per Conversion (CPC) is a metric used in the field of marketing to measure the cost incurred in acquiring a desired action or conversion from a customer. It is primarily associated with online advertising campaigns and is used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing initiatives.

A conversion can refer to various actions depending on the specific marketing objective. It could be the completion of a sale, the submission of a lead generation form, a sign-up for a newsletter, or any other action that aligns with the desired outcome of the campaign.

The Cost Per Conversion is calculated by dividing the total cost of a marketing campaign by the number of conversions generated. The formula can be represented as:

CPC = Total Campaign Cost / Number of Conversions

For example, if a marketing campaign costs $1,000 and generates 100 conversions, the Cost Per Conversion would be $10 ($1,000 / 100). This means that on average, it cost $10 to acquire each conversion through the campaign.

CPC is an important metric for marketers as it provides insights into the cost-effectiveness of their advertising efforts. By comparing the CPC across different campaigns or channels, marketers can determine which strategies are performing well and allocate their resources accordingly. Lower CPC values indicate more efficient campaigns, while higher CPC values may require further optimization or reevaluation of the marketing strategy.

It's worth noting that the definition of Cost Per Conversion can vary slightly depending on the context or industry. Some marketers may include additional costs beyond advertising expenditure, such as labor costs or overhead expenses, while others may focus solely on direct advertising costs. It's important to clarify the specific components included in the calculation when interpreting and comparing CPC values.

Chat GPTより




CPC = キャンペーンの総費用 / コンバージョンの数



なお、Cost Per Conversionの定義は、文脈や業界によって若干異なる可能性があります。マーケティング担当者によっては、人件費や間接費など、広告費以外の追加コストを含める場合もあれば、直接広告費のみに焦点を当てる場合もあります。CPCの値を解釈し比較する際には、計算に含まれる特定の構成要素を明確にすることが重要です。



どうも、コンバージョン=新規顧客獲得と限定しているっぽいのですが、顧客獲得はCost per AcquisitionのAcquisitionの方ですよね?英語回答にもto acquire a new customerだなんて書いてあるし。なんでだろ?


In the study of marketing, cost per conversion (CPC) is a marketing metric that measures the average amount of money spent to acquire a new customer. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of a marketing campaign by the number of conversions generated by the campaign. For example, if a company spends $10,000 on a marketing campaign and generates 1,000 conversions, its CPC would be $10.

CPC is a valuable metric for measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By tracking CPC, marketers can see how much they are spending to acquire new customers and make adjustments to their campaigns as needed. For example, if CPC is too high, marketers may need to change their targeting or messaging to reach a more cost-effective audience.

There are a number of factors that can affect CPC, including the type of marketing campaign, the target audience, and the competition. Marketers can take steps to control CPC by targeting the right audience, using effective messaging, and bidding strategically on advertising campaigns.

Here are some tips for reducing CPC:

* **Target the right audience:** Make sure your marketing campaigns are targeted to the right audience. This will help you reach people who are more likely to be interested in your product or service and, therefore, more likely to convert.
* **Use effective messaging:** Your marketing messages should be clear, concise, and persuasive. They should also be relevant to your target audience.
* **Bid strategically on advertising campaigns:** When you're bidding on advertising campaigns, it's important to set a budget that you're comfortable with and to bid strategically. This will help you avoid overpaying for clicks and conversions.

By following these tips, you can help to reduce your CPC and make your marketing campaigns more effective.


マーケティングの研究において、CPC(Cost Per Conversion)とは、新規顧客を獲得するために費やした平均金額を測定するマーケティング指標である。マーケティングキャンペーンにかかった総費用を、そのキャンペーンで発生したコンバージョン数で割ることで算出されます。例えば、ある企業がマーケティングキャンペーンに10,000ドルを費やし、1,000件のコンバージョンを生み出した場合、そのCPCは10ドルとなります。









ここまで6000字以上。長くなったのでこれでいったん区切ります。次の記事はCost per Acquisitionを聞いてみましょう。

ついでに、CPCでお馴染みなのはCost Per Clickです。
CPCという場合、Cost Per ConversionよりもCost Per Clickを指すのが一般的とChatGPTは言ってます。

CPCって何?って聞いてみた。Cost Per Clickだって
CPCってCost Per Conversionの略でもあるよね。どっちが一般的なの?の答え。