
万生集(生きる目的・理由・コツ)69 ~Manseishu/collection of meaning and knack of life~






Happiness is flower blooming between myself and the others. 自利利他 Jiririta( Buddha's satisfaction and for the benefit of others.)

'自由 Jiyu( Freedom)' we pronounce '自らに由る Mizukara ni yoru( due to ourselves)' is coming back to true ourselves. If we can come back to true our feelings, we can live following our true feelings. Let's come back to our true senses and live as we are. This, we look at ourselves as we are, is the best shortcut to happiness. At first 正見 Shoken( right view), looking ourselves and things correctly, is important.

Many people do not feel to live their lives caring about how people see them than what they want to do. We do not live to be as people expected. Your life is yours.' No one would praise everyone and no one would blame everyone.'  Human's likes and dislikes depend on their convenience. 

If you want to be happy, Go the way of '自利利他 Jiririta' makes you happy by making the others happy. Happy flower would bloom between the others and myself. 

The word  'ありがとう Arigato( Thank you)' comes from '有り難し Arigatashi( difficult to be.)' 'It is difficult to be born and we appreciate for the current life.'  It was very difficult to be born to human. And it is very grateful to live now. The word 'ありがとう Arigato' is the one is glad and congratulate that you are here. Everything in the whole macrocosm should be contained in that you are living here now. Your existence should be essential one that the macrocosm, history and future are contained.

(2019/1/10  一般社団法人全国仏教カウンセリング協会代表 岡本一志『心がほっとするほとけさまの50の話』、The National Buddhism Counseling Association , representative, Kazushi Okamoto, 'Buddha 50 stories to feel relieved.' )
