英語になった日本語たち [第3回] matcha
第3回 matcha (抹茶)
抹茶は、古くから私たちの周りにあるものですが、近年、海外での人気ぶりは驚くばかりです。伝統的な緑茶(green tea)としてだけでなく、抹茶の飲み物や、抹茶味のお菓子がすっかり一般的になりました。抹茶の海外での受容のされ方を見ていきましょう。
Matcha is a traditional Japanese drink. Its method of preparation is said to have been established during the Kamakura period. The recent matcha trend is astonishing. Why has matcha become so popular these days?
When did the global matcha trend begin? The opening of “MATCHA BAR,” a specialty cafe in New York, in 2014, and Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow posting a picture of herself drinking a matcha latte on her Instagram in 2015, were both important factors.
Additionally, the adoption of matcha by Starbucks in the United States, including the introduction of the Matcha Frappuccino, played a significant role in popularizing matcha.
Why is matcha so popular worldwide? Its easy use in cooking and baking, plus its unique taste, are big reasons. With its natural sweetness and rich flavor, matcha powder works well in lots of recipes, like lattes, ice cream and baked goods.
Another reason for matcha’s appeal is its health and beauty benefits. Packed with catechins, vitamins, and minerals, matcha is thought to fight aging, help burn fat, and boost immunity. It’s becoming a popular coffee and tea alternative. Its beauty perks have caught the attention of celebs and influencers as well.
As a result, matcha’s popularity has soared, grabbing a big slice of the global market. The demand for matcha is expected to continue to increase worldwide, playing an important role in modern dietary habits.
犯人は誰だ!? 結末が気になるミステリーは最後まで読み通す強い動機づけになり、多読におすすめです。多読継続のために、そしてミステリーファンのために、4段階の無理のない読み進め方を提案します。