
英単語学習:Using the Think Feel Act Cycle

禁酒コーチRachel Hartさんのポッドキャストから

Using the Think Feel Act Cycle


You are listening to the Take a Break podcast with Rachel Hart, episode 46.

Whether you want to drink less or stop drinking, this podcast will help you change the habit from the inside out. We’re challenging conventional wisdom about why people drink and why it can be hard to resist temptation. No labels, no judgment, just practical tools to take control of your desire and stop worrying about your drinking. Now, here’s your host Rachel Hart.

Hey everybody, we are doing a deep dive into the think-feel-act cycle today. This is what I get so many questions about. I will tell you that there are so many of you out there who as soon as you hear about the cycle and start to understand, “Oh, that’s why I feel the way I do, that’s why I’m acting the way I do.”

It’s like, “Oh my god, this makes so much sense. Why didn’t anyone share this framework with me? Now I have a framework and I can understand. I can understand why I feel and act the ways I do. It doesn’t have to be this mysterious thing.”

But, the question is, how do you go from having a framework to using it as a tool? And that’s what I want to show you today, how you can start to utilize the think-feel-act cycle as a tool, because it is such an incredibly powerful tool. And if you learn how to master it, it will change everything. It is a tool I used to change my drinking but it is a tool that I use today to work on everything in my life; changing how I eat, how I exercise, changing my relationships.



It helped me start a business, it helped me leave my job – everything I do, I use the tool of the think-feel-act cycle. I’ve actually talked about how I first encountered this framework in my book. I was living in New York City and I was so frustrated with my drinking. It just seemed to be this thing that was getting in the way of so much that I wanted to do, and I finally decided that I had to look for help.

I had to figure this out; I couldn’t try to just sit and figure it out by myself anymore. And I ended up finding a group called Smart Recovery. It’s a peer support group and it uses techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy. And CBT therapy really focuses on this idea of think-feel-act. It helps people to understand how they can use this framework and apply it to the world.


cognitive impairment 認知症
cognitively 認識的に
cognitive function 認知機能
cognitive decline 認知機能低下,認知低下

So at Smart recovery, what they do there is show you how you can use all these tools to start to control your use of drugs and alcohol. And I’ll tell you that Smart is very different from any of the other peer support groups that are out there.

So when I went, it was such a relief for me because nobody was saying that I had a disease, right, they were talking about it in terms of brain science. They were talking about it in terms of habits and in terms of learning what’s happening, learning different skills and learning how certain skills weren’t serving you.

in terms of


Nobody was telling me that I needed to wear a label and call myself an alcoholic. In fact, Smart actually discourages the use of labels like alcoholic and addict. One of the reasons why it does is, you know, this sense that for many people labels are not empowering. Some people find them empowering, others don’t; they find them disempowering.


empowerment 名詞 エンパワーメント

Also, labels don’t capture that there’s a whole range, there’s a whole spectrum between being a “Normal drinker,” and being someone who literally is non-functioning and that alcohol is causing problems in every single part of your life. So I wasn’t there to confess all the bad things I had done when I’d been drinking, I didn’t have to admit the nature of my wrongs, I didn’t have to ask for a higher power to remove my defects or my shortcomings.



All I had to do was start learning how to apply new tools. And for someone that liked to learn things, right, this was perfect for me. I thought, “I can learn new tools.” And Smart was the first place that I was introduced to the think-feel-act cycle, and it was hugely transformative. I mean, it just made so much sense as soon as I read about it. I remember just reading and being like, “Oh, this makes sense. Why has no one ever explained this to me before?” And I used the cycle to change my desire to drink; something that I had struggled to do since I was 17.

I used it to change my desire because all of a sudden I could see, “Oh it’s my thoughts; it’s my thinking about alcohol. I have to identify those thoughts, I have to become aware of them. If I can identify them, if I can become aware of them then I can start to shift them.”

And I understood, for the first time, “Oh I can change my deprivation. I can change feeling restricted. I can change feeling like I’m missing out. I mean, it was so powerful and transformative for me. So I learned this tool and I just ran with it, I loved it.


【名】 剥奪、奪うこと、喪失 〔必需品の〕欠乏 貧困
deprive   奪う取り上げる
deprioritize 優先度を下げる

run with it


And that really set me down a path of self-discovery. Now, I had really been on a path of trying to figure this out for a very long time since my early 20s, but once I understood this concept, I just clearly understood, “Oh, this can apply to anything. This isn’t unique to drinking.”

set me down a path


And so, I started really trying to understand that; I started trying to understand many more parts of my life. And a couple of years later, I actually found the work of Brooke Castillo, who’s a life coach. She’s a life coach that I eventually trained under; she does amazing work. And her work is so interesting, it so connected with me because it also uses part of the think-feel-act cycle.

But she expanded it in such a brilliant way to include two additional pieces. And those two pieces that she created to expend the think-feel-act cycle, it helped me understand how the cycle was working in my life even more.


expandable  伸張できる,膨張しうる,発展性のある


expenditure  支出,消費,浪費,経費,費用,出費,消費量,支出額
expendable   消費される,犠牲に供せられる(べき),消耗用の,消耗品
expendables  消耗品

So she added the pieces: a neutral circumstance and a result. And in her model, the think-feel-act cycle is kind of sandwiched between a circumstance and a result. And I will tell you that learning this, all of a sudden having these two extra pieces, really supercharged me, because then I was able to understand it in such a different way. It felt like more of a tool that I could use in any moment; and that’s what I think is so powerful.



Now, why I think that those two additions to the cycle are so powerful is this. First, of course, we don’t think a thought until we encounter something in the world to think a thought about, right; that’s the circumstance. And so, being able to pull those two things apart to see the circumstance and how our thought is separate, so often we don’t do that. so often it’s just meshed together, we can’t see what’s happening in the world as separate from our thoughts, we just think our thoughts are what’s happening in the world.



That’s incredibly powerful, but also understanding that our actions – everything we do or don’t do – it is always creating results, right. The results that we have in our life are connected to what we’re doing or not doing, and so really adding that results piece to the end helped me to see, “Oh okay, so this is how I’m really creating my life.”


So what I’m going to do today is go through each step. I’m going to go through each step in detail and then show you the process for how you can start to use it as a tool. Because I know there are so many of you out there who think, “Yeah, this makes great sense, I love this, I love this framework; now how do I apply it, how do I use it?”
