August 3, 2021 歩き方改善 (Improvement of My Gait)
As described before, I cannot walk with the correct gait and posture. Since I got a hip joint surgery about twenty years ago, I have tried to walk without putting much strain on my hip joints, which has totally changed my gait. In addition, my hip joints were stiff by nature, but became stiffer due to the surgery and my hesitation to put strain on them.
To try to break the situation and return to the original as much as possible, I have tried several walking techniques which were available on websites. However, I could find no appropriate technique. Accordingly, I changed my mindset and now focus every day on (1) stretching to bend my hip joints and (2) standing by firmly putting weight on my hip joint. To be continued.
このままではいけないと思い、様々な歩き方を試してきましたが、これだという方法が見つかっていません。そこで、発想を転換して、今は、股関節を曲げる柔軟体操をすることと 股関節にしっかりと体重をかけてまっすぐ立つことの2点を意識して毎日トレーニングをしています。(続く)