
Zero Day (ゼロデイ)

How great Robert De Niro is! As I have thought, he is the best actor. He convinced me of it with his latest drama series. One day in February, I found his latest one, Zero Day, on Netflix when I was looking for an interesting film or drama series. In this series, he showed his great presence and drew me into the story. It had 6 episodes, but it was like a feature film, and I could not stop it on the day until having watched half of them. The next day, I watched the balance. I was fully satisfied with it, and I basked in the satisfaction for a while.
De Niro, a former US president, was appointed to investigate a cyberattack. He and his subordinates did everything they could and found the real culprits. But it ended with a political decision. From the beginning to the end, he continued to show his great presence and captivated me. I have watched a lot of his films, such as Deer Hunter and The Intern, over the years. He has never failed to fascinate me.
But it was due to a foreign affair as well as De Niro that the drama series fascinated me so much. Before finding it, I have been concerned about what has been happening to Ukraine and Europe. In particular, I have kept watching what the US president Donald Trump is going to do with Russia. I have not yet known the result, but his actions could expose them to another Russian threat, and also expose Japan to another tension. I really hope that the president realise the truth of the Russian invasion into Ukraine very soon.

ロバート・デ・ニーロは、すばらしいです!やっぱり、最高の役者さんです。彼の最新の連ドラをみて改めてそう思いました。2月に、Netflixで面白い映画やドラマを探していたとき、彼の最新作『ゼロデイ』を見つけました。 このドラマで、デ・ニーロが圧倒的な存在感を示し、ボクはドラマに引き込まれました。全6話のドラマですが、まるで長編映画のようでした。その日は半分を見終えるまで止められず、残りを翌日にみました。見終えて、満足感一杯で、しばらくそれに浸りました。


