
April 3, 2024: False Tooth, Alcohol(差し歯、アルコール)

Yesterday, I had a new false tooth put into my mouth. I was so happy with it that I rushed to a convenience store. I had a strong urge to have alcohol. So, I bought a canned highball, half a bottle of wine and chocolate snacks. After I got home, I had dinner and a bath. And I enjoyed the alcohol and the snacks. I could eat and chew anything as I liked to. It was a wonderful time. I got a little drunk but not as bad as I expected. And it reminded me of how important my teeth are. With only a tooth missing, I felt something strange in my mouth and could not eat and chew things in my mouth well. I have to care about my teeth as well as my body.
Looking back on the last three months, it was the first time this year that I enjoyed alcohol. I still seem to have a slight desire in the back of my heart to enjoy alcohol. Since I began to take blood pressure medication, I have refrained from alcohol as much as possible. Even in a serious and official event with alcohol in January, I managed to abstain, but this time, I failed. If I continued to drink alcohol every day, I might not be able to stop it. I no longer have the urge to drink alcohol on ordinary days, but I sometimes fail to refrain from it on a special day like this time. I still seem to need more time to eliminate alcohol from my body completely.
On the other hand, I was surprised that I had no hangover today. I only had a normal can of highball and one-fourth of a bottle of wine, which is very small for a big drinker like the old me. But it was big enough for what I am now and it was no surprise that I got a hangover. However, I did not have a hangover. I seem to be in good shape mentally and physically.

昨日、新しい差し歯を入れてもらいました。あまりにうれしくて、コンビニに飛び込みました。お酒が飲みたくなったのです。 で、ハイボール缶、ワインのハーフボトルとチョコレートのお菓子を買いました。帰宅後、夕食をとり、風呂に入ったあと、お酒とおつまみを楽しみました。何でも好きなように食べ、噛むことができました。素晴らしいひと時でした。少し酔いましたが、思ったほどではなかったです。そして、歯の大切さを思い知らされました。歯が1本ないだけで、口の中に何か違和感があり、上手に食べたり噛んだりできませんでした。体 だけでなく、歯も大切にしなければならないとあらためて思いました。


