September 15, 2022:Medical Check, Blood Pressure, Weight (健康診断、血圧、体重)
The other day, I had an annual medical check. As usual, I had high blood pressure. When I measured it with a digital blood pressure monitor at the hospital, it was far beyond the standard. I have it re-measured by a nurse. It dropped but still exceeded the standard. The next day, I measured it at home to verify the values at the hospital. So, it was below the reference. I do not understand why it is so high when measured at the hospital. I seem to get too nervous when measuring it at the hospital. I may have white coat hypertension.
Another concern is weight. It does not go down, either. On the contrary, it gradually gains day by day. I have done more exercise than a year ago. In addition to walking, I triple the number of stretches and eat less. Nevertheless, my weight does not go down at all. I have to try something new to lose weight.