
My Nature (ボクの性格)

It was about four months ago that I was in hospital for 5 days due to an illness. Since then, I am lucky to be free of it. Since I left the hospital, I have had no such symptoms I had before. It seems to be due to the drug I have taken every day. I have taken it twice every day based on what I was told.
In addition, the drug seems to have changed my nature. Since I started taking it, I no longer get hot with anger. I used to be very hot-tempered and tend to get hot quickly. When I had something unsatisfying, I used to get hot and complain about it with a blush. In particular, I was hot blooded in my 20s. And even in my 60s, I was still like that. But since I began to take the drug, I have no longer got hot. I will sometimes come across the scenes that should have made me get hot if I were the old me. But now, I can stay calm and do not get hot. I can think about things more calmly than before. So, I am happy with it and am enjoying my life in peace. Probably what I am now should make my wife happy, too.
On the other hand, the drug has some negative effects. I am now a bit disappointed with what I am now. I sometimes feel as if I lost my energy to take on challenges. I have to check if I can continue to try new things.
And I also need to leave the drug as soon as possible. It has a good effect on my illness, but very expensive. It has cost me much more, ten times more, than the one for high blood pressure.

 さらに、薬のおかげで、ボクの性格も変わったようです。飲み始めてから、怒りでカッカすることがなくなりました。以前はすごく短気で、カッカしがちでした。不満なことがあると、怒りで顔を真っ赤にして、文句を言っていたものです。特に20代の頃は血気盛んでした。60代になってもそうでした。でも、この薬を飲むようになってから、こうなることはなくなりました。 昔の自分だったら熱くなるはずの場面に、今でも出くわすことがあります。でも、今は冷静でいられ、カッカすることがありません。また、以前より冷静に物事を考えられるようになりました。おかげで、薬に満足しているし、平穏な暮らしを楽しんでいます。妻もおそらく、今の自分を見て喜んでいると思います。


