
July 9, 2024: Propelling Pencil (シャープペンシル)

The other day, I split a lot of ink from a bottle of a fountain pen's ink. It has put me off using a fountain pen. I have loved and still love the pen. But this matter seems to suggest that it is time for me to stop using the pen. So, I am now looking for an alternative to the pen. Among them are propelling pencils, which I am most interested in now. And I was surprised to find that propelling pencils have a lot of variety. Looking back, I have not used them for about 30 years. In those 30 years, they seemed to have come a long way. First of all, I was surprised to find that their leads have more choices than before. About 30 years ago, the pencils only had two choices for their leads, 0.3mm or 0.5mm, and they had no other choices. It was my biggest headache in using the pencils. I tend to put too much pressure on the pencils, so I have often broken the leads.
But, this time, I have found thicker ones, such as 0.9mm, 1mm and 2mm. So, I chose to try them. At first, I tried a pencil with a 2mm lead. It was very thick and comfortable to write with, and I needed not to worry about breaking the lead. But it was too thick to write something in small spaces. Then, I tried the one with a 0.9mm lead. It was not thick enough for me not to break the lead. I sometimes broke the lead, but that was still acceptable to me. I did not break it as often as thinner ones. So, I focused on trying a number of the pencils with a 0.9mm lead and found the two best. One is Rotring's pencil and the other is PLATINUM's one. I have been using both of them every day for maths. For now, I prefer PLATINUM’s, which was developed for reporters, PRESS MAN. It is very much easier to write with, so much that the company claims that it was designed for reporters.

 でも、0.9mm、1mm、2mmといった太い芯を発見しました。そこで、それらを試してみることにしました。まず、2mmの芯を試しました。とても太くて書き心地がよく、芯が折れる心配もありませんでした。でも、小さなスペースに書くには太すぎでした。次に、0.9mmの芯を試しました。芯が折れないほど太くはなく、芯が折れることもありました。それでも許容範囲でした。これより細いものほど頻繁には折れはしませんでした。そこで、0.9ミリの芯のシャーペンを試したところ、ベストなものが2つありました。ひとつはロットリングのもので、もうひとつはプラチナのものでした。どちらも数学の勉強に毎日使っています。今のところ、記者用に開発された「PRESS MAN」というプラチナの方を気に入っています。記者用に開発されたというだけあって、とても書きやすいです。

