January 10, 2024:Taxis in Kyoto (京都のタクシー)
As my routine, I used to post articles on the 'note’ every day and I was going to continue it whatever happened to me. But it has come to an end after about 850 days. I was so heartbroken on the 6th of January that I was not tempted to and had no room to post articles on the 'note' until January 9. I may write about what happened on that day and how it has heartbroken me in detail if I were fully healed.
During the three days from that day, I was in Kyoto, which gave me an impressive experience. My wife and I often used the service 'Go' to call taxis. This was my first time using the service because the service is not yet available in the town where I live now. I found it very convenient and thought I would be sure to use the service if it were available in my town. First of all, I was able to book the taxi very quickly and see how long it would take to pick me up. Then, it let me know if it would arrive late, even by one minute. As I could see exactly when the taxi would come, I could be waiting for it at ease.
However, I was often confused after I took a taxi. I found that how to pay for a taxi fare was not common to all taxis. It was only one taxi that accepted to pay for it by any of whatever was available, PayPay, Go, credit card and cash. But some only had two options, by credit card or in cash. And the driver was reluctant to accept credit cards and strongly asked me to pay in cash. So I always had to check with the driver how to pay. That was very confusing and frustrating.
Also, taxi drivers in Kyoto were not as polite and friendly as those in Europe. They were as blunt as those in the Tokyo area, especially in my town. In this respect, I could see no change at all. Furthermore, they were very reluctant to put my suitcase in or out of the boot. I had to ask them politely to do it as if I were a service provider. In the end, nothing has changed with taxi drivers.
でも、タクシーに乗ってから戸惑うことがしばしばありました。 タクシー料金の支払い方法が、共通化されていないのです。PayPay、Go、クレジットカード、現金のどれでも支払えるタクシーは1台だけでした。クレジットカードか現金の2択しかないタクシーもありました。また、そのタクシーはクレジットカードでの支払いをいやがり、現金での支払いを強く求めてきました。そのため、いつも運転手に支払い方法を確認しなければなりませんでした。これに戸惑い、すごくイライラしました。