
October 8, 2023: What Am I Talking About? (何の話をしているかお分かりですか?)

I use a lot of things in my daily life. Among them are two things that are similar in shape but have different uses. For one, I always use it a few times a day, but for the other, I do not use it little. The one I use every day is made of plastic. It is essential to my daily life. It always refreshes me and also helps me to keep a part of my body in good condition. I have trouble falling asleep if I go to bed without using it. And I will have something wrong and painful with the part if I do not use it for a long time.
The other one is what I seldom use in my daily life. But I am an exception and it is very popular in Japan. It is usually used during or after meals. In particular, it is essential for elderly men as they use it during or after meals for a change. But I have never seen it used by women. I do not know why, but probably, they are afraid that using it will make them look terrible. I agree with it. I always feel uncomfortable when I see men using it. In addition, a convenience store chain has recently decided not to give it to customers for free.
Now, please try to find what I am talking about. It must be easy to find what they are. As you may have guessed, the first is an interdental brush and the second is a toothpick.

 さて、何の話をしているかお分かりでしょうか? きっと、簡単だと思います。ご想像の通り、歯間ブラシと爪楊枝の話でした!


