
Amazon (アマゾン)

It has been a while since I ended my Amazon Prime member. Since then, I have stopped buying most of the items I used to buy on Amazon, such as books and other items But the other day, I bought an insole on Amazon. I was looking for an insole that would help to balance the length of my legs. Then, I found the one on Amazon that seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. But I did not buy it right away. The supplier was a suspect and small company. I tried to find out more about them online. But I could not find their website. Nor could I find any other online shopping sites that had the same item. So if I really needed it, I had no choice but to buy it on Amazon. I debated whether or not to buy it, but I clicked the button to place the order.
I also paid extra for shipping and handling to get it in the next morning. But I could not received it on time, and it was 6 hours later that I received it. Moreover, the item was not what I expected. It was so poor that I could not use it at all. I learnt from the purchase that I must never buy the items that are only listed on Amazon.
But my experience is not as serious as that of famous writers, such as Banana Yoshimoto, Keigo Higashino and Haruki Murakami. Some books are published by fake writers under the names of these famous writers on Amazon’s Kindle store. I was too surprised to say a word.

 でも、ボクの体験は、吉本ばなな、東野圭吾、村上春樹といった有名作家さんのものに比べれば大した事ではありません。 アマゾンのKindleストアでは、こうした有名作家さんのの名前を騙る偽の作家が出版している本があるのです。開いた口が塞がりません。


