
August 11, 2024: Paris Olympics (パリオリンピック)

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will come to an end today. In the first half of the Games, I was touched, excited or thrilled by the Japanese players. Among them were the gymnasts and fencers, who surprised me the most. The men's gymnasts won the team gold medal, their first in two years. And above all, it was a good news that another new star was born, Shinnosuke Oka. He got three more gold medals. Until the opening of the Games, he had been out of the limelight. The light was on the ace gymnast, Daiki Hashimoto. He is also a great gymnast and won the gold medal in the individual all-round at the Tokyo Olympics. But he was not in as good a condition as he was at the Tokyo Olympics. And the light moved from him to Oka. They are still young in their early 20s and are expected to lead the gymnast team to the 2028 Olympic Games. In addition to them, Japan has a lot of young promising gymnasts who work hard to play at the Olympics. The team seems to have a bright future.
Another good news came from the fencers. They won 5 medals: the women's team won 2 bronze medals and the men's team won 2 gold medals and a silver medal. It was a splendid feat. The teams had been so weak for a long time that they had been out of the limelight. But since a men's fencer, Yuki Ota, won an Olympic medal, they showed drastic changes. They have begun to win one or more medals at each Olympics, and finally, won 5 medals at the Paris Olympics. It was a memorable achievement that they beat the French fencers in France, the home of fencing, to win the medals.
Fencing is not so popular as other sports and does not have many players. I have had no chance to see or hear of anything about fencing in my town, either. In the circumstance, the fencers and coaches have worked together to enhance their skills. Their efforts have finally come to fruition at the Paris Olympics.

 もうひとつの朗報はフェンシングです。女子チームが銅メダル2個、男子チームが金メダル2個と銀メダル1個の計5個のメダルを獲得しました。快挙です! フェンシングは長らく、弱くて、注目されることはありませんでした。それが変わったのが、男子の太田雄貴さんがオリンピックでメダルを獲得してからです。それ以来、オリンピックのたびにメダルを獲得するようになり、ついにパリオリンピックでは5つのメダルを獲得しました。しかも、記憶に残る快挙です。フェンシングの本場フランスで、フランスのフェンシング選手を破ってのメダル獲得なのですから。フェンシングは他のスポーツに比べて人気がなく、競技人口も少ないです。ボクの町でも、フェンシングを見聞きする機会は皆無に等しいです。そんな中、フェンシングの選手とコーチが一体となって技術向上に努め、その努力がパリ五輪でついに結実しました。


