Watermark on Zhouzhuang
This my essay is for someone whom I miss.
It was December in Zhouzhuang Suzhou, under a cold sky.
I was waiting for a man at the foot of a bridge near the hotel where I was staying.
He invited me to a small launch party after a meeting a few days ago.
Occasionally, small boats with few tourists wobble by on the waterway.
Red lanterns decorated in places seemed to smile at my loneliness in this land.
I pull out the third volume of Atsuko Suga's complete works from the pocket of my down jacket and read "On the Banks of the Zattere”.
The church of Redentore, which stands on the other side of the Giudecca Canal, meaning Christ the Redeemer of the Sins of Mankind, and the Incurabili of Zattere, a person with no hope of being cured = Incurabili .......
These words, with their sad and dark medieval echoes, are now just names for the Venice Fondamenta area.
As I read Atsuko Suga's short essay, I imagined her walking to the Fondamenta degli Incravigli, where the church of Redentore looms like a shadow in the setting sun. Then a passage mentioning an essay by the poet Brodsky caught my eye.
The Italian title is "Fondamenta deli Incurabili" , the original title is "Watermark an essay on Venice.
The exiled poet from the Soviet Union visited Venice frequently every winter for 17 years.
This is an essay about Venice.
Brodsky was sentenced to five years in the Soviet Union as a dissident, but his sentence was commuted due to the protests of Sartre and other intellectuals.
He was then forced to travel to the United States and went into exile.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, his honor was restored and he was allowed to return home.
The poet never returned to his homeland.
I was attracted to this essay by Brodsky, and when I checked to see if it was available on Kindle, I found it published by Penguin Classics and bought it without hesitation.
From the opening passage, I felt a sense of destiny.
Many moons ago the dollar was 870 lire and I was thirty-two. the globe, too, was lighter by two billion souls, and the bar at the stazione where I was standing there waiting for the only person I knew in that city to meet me. She was quite late.
It was December in Venice, the city of water. Brodsky waited in a quiet bar for a woman who was quite late.
I was waiting at the foot of the bridge for about 20 minutes alone too at Zhouzhuang.
In a fragmentary essay, Brodsky describes seeing several bridges along the Fondamenta Nuove.
He then talks about a photograph that, like a black-and-white film, evokes the past.
A village near Lithuania, three men are made to stand in the dirt dug by gun-toting German soldiers.
They are all squinting in the cold, their heads on their shoulders, bracing for the next pain, injury, or even the cold itself.
Despite the death that awaits them, the men's expressions do not distinguish between pain and death.
Why is it that the tragic facts of the past seem somehow fictional?
Also, in one of the chapters, he wrote simply about the silhouettes of the endless night, and I was gripped.
a bridge arching over a body of water’s black curve, both ends of which were clipped off by infinity. At night, infinity in foreign realms arrives with the last lamppost, and here it was twenty meters away. It was very quiet.
I read through the essays, which are like a series of paragraphs, prose poems, and monochrome collages, and in no time at all, nearly an hour has passed.
I think the same boatman passed by the waterway several times. The water, flowing regularly, is time itself, carrying the city's past, present, and future into the future.
The surface of the water itself weaves a whole of beauty as the light is weak and obscured by the fog.
The cluttered sounds of daily life, the old-fashioned row houses by the waterway with the occasional flutter of laundry.
For a thousand years, the water has been flowing through the white plaster walls of the houses.
Long ago, in the time of the Three Kingdoms, this was Wu.
I felt as if Sun Quan and his right-hand man, the military commander Zhou Yu, were standing on the other side of the fog.
Further back in time, around 1000 AD, many boats carrying silk fabrics and food would have passed through the canals.
We must not forget that the Ludaoqiao Incident in 1937 triggered a fierce war between Japan and China in Shanghai, causing tremendous damage and suffering.
There are even skyscrapers in the industrial zone about 40 kilometers away, but they are not visible from here, giving the illusion of being cut off from time. Sometimes love is hidden in an old building, and the light tells the story of someone's love in the past.
If my wife were next to me, we would spend hours on the bridge gazing at this scene together.
I felt like asking my wife, who loves poetry, if she knew Brodsky.
The surface of the water in the mist curiously resembles the color of her eyes.
The color, a mixture of light green and gray, darkens or turns deep azure depending on the light.
Out of nowhere, the smell of the waterway mixed with the smell of ammonia reminded me of the body odor of my wife and daughter after a sweaty day at the park.
A smell is, after all, a violation of oxygen balance, an invasion into it of other elements—methane? carbon? sulphur? nitrogen? Depending on that invasion’s intensity, you get a scent, a smell, a stench. It is a molecular affair, and happiness, I suppose, is the moment of spotting the elements of your own composition being free. There were quite a number of them out there, in a state of total freedom, and I felt I’d stepped into my own self-portrait in the cold air.
I wondered if I should call her, then remembered that it was the day of her piano lesson, and decided not to do it.
I looked at my watch and realized that I had been waiting for over an hour.
I checked my reminders, wondering if I had picked the wrong time or the wrong place.
I realized that I had made one bridge mistake and rushed to contact the man I was meeting.
"Here you are. I thought I told you about the other bridge ahead.”
The man's healthy smile and cheerful voice lifted the fog from around me.
It seemed we had both been waiting for each other at the bridge.
Although not so strict about time, Suzhou’s businessman was not so loose either .
I remembered that he had never been late in the past month.
I apologized for my misunderstanding and treated him to dinner that day.
I hope he was reading a book or something to pass the time.
The shimmering water of the canal, the rocking of the boat, and the fragments of time reflected on the surface of the water by the light.
I want to show this to my loved ones.
Under the foggy cold sky, embracing them with all my love.
December in Suzhou.
Let me reiterate: Water equals time and provides beauty with its double. Part water, we serve beauty in the same fashion. By rubbing water, this city improves time’s looks, beautifies the future. That’s what the role of this city in the universe is. Because the city is static while we are moving. The tear is proof of that. Because we go and beauty stays. Because we are headed for the future, while beauty is the eternal present. The tear is an attempt to remain, to stay behind, to merge with the city. But that’s against the rules. The tear is a throwback, a tribute of the future to the past. Or else it is the result of subtracting the greater from the lesser: beauty from man. The same goes for love, because one’s love, too, is greater than oneself.
イタリア語タイトルは『フォンダメンタ・デリ・インクラビリ』となっているが、原著タイトルは『Watermark an essay on Venice』である。
Many moons ago the dollar was 870 lire and I was thirty-two. The globe, too, was lighter by two billion souls, and the bar at the stazione where I’d arrived on that cold December night was empty. I was standing there waiting for the only person I knew in that city to meet me. She was quite late.
a bridge arching over a body of water’s black curve, both ends of which were clipped off by infinity. At night, infinity in foreign realms arrives with the last lamppost, and here it was twenty meters away. It was very quiet.
孫権と右腕の軍師周瑜が対岸の霧の向こう側で佇んでいるような気がした。時がさらに経ち、西暦1000年頃には運河を多くの絹織物や食料を積んだ舟が行き交ったのだろう。 1937年(昭和12年)の蘆構橋事件を契機に上海で日中が激戦を展開し、多大の損害と苦痛を与えたことを忘れてはならない。 40キロほど先の工業区には超高層ビルが建ち並んでもいるが、ここからは見えないため、時間が切り取られたような錯覚を覚える。古びた建物というのはなぜか愛がそこに秘められているときがあり、光の加減で過去の誰かの愛を物語る。
A smell is, after all, a violation of oxygen balance, an invasion into it of other elements—methane? carbon? sulphur? nitrogen? Depending on that invasion’s intensity, you get a scent, a smell, a stench. It is a molecular affair, and happiness, I suppose, is the moment of spotting the elements of your own composition being free. There were quite a number of them out there, in a state of total freedom, and I felt I’d stepped into my own self-portrait in the cold air.
Let me reiterate: Water equals time and provides beauty with its double. Part water, we serve beauty in the same fashion. By rubbing water, this city improves time’s looks, beautifies the future. That’s what the role of this city in the universe is. Because the city is static while we are moving. The tear is proof of that. Because we go and beauty stays. Because we are headed for the future, while beauty is the eternal present. The tear is an attempt to remain, to stay behind, to merge with the city. But that’s against the rules. The tear is a throwback, a tribute of the future to the past. Or else it is the result of subtracting the greater from the lesser: beauty from man. The same goes for love, because one’s love, too, is greater than oneself.