- Seafood cream pasta -
今日選ばれているパスタは「フェットチーネ」と呼ばれ、フラットでロングタイプのパスタで、生クリームパスタによく使われます。 Making cream pasta with clams and shrimp.
The pasta chosen for today is called "Fettuccine" which is a flat and long type of pasta, this is commonly used to make cream pasta.
All one has to do is make the cream sauce which only requires about 8 minutes to make and the pasta will finish boiling soon after as well. Another reason for why cream pasta is good is because it can be made very quickly compared to other pasta dishes. クリームソースを作るのに約8分しかかからず、パスタもすぐに沸騰します。 クリームパスタが良いもう一つの理由は、他のパスタ料理に比べて非常に素早く作ることができるからです。
It has been quite a while since the last time I had made cream pasta, but it was quite delicious, indeed.
I think it might be a recipe that will be made more often from now. 前回クリームパスタを作ってから久しぶりですが、実に美味しかったです。