

豚肉と茄子を1つの鍋で煮込んだもので、茄子は豚肉の風味を吸収しますが、肉とは別に調理するので形も保たれます。                                        Making braised pork and eggplant, using one pot so the eggplant absorbs the flavours of the pork, but cooked separately from the meat so it keeps its shape as well.

- Braised pork and eggplant -

- 豚肉と茄子の煮込み -

Ingredients: Pork belly and eggplant.                                                        The seasoning: Dark soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger, sea salt, green onion, black pepper, mirin, and a little whisky.                                            材料 : 豚バラ肉と茄子
味付け : 濃醤油、黒糖、生姜、海塩、ねぎ、黒胡椒、みりん、そして少量のウイスキー。

Begin by frying the green onion and ginger in a little amount of oil until the scent starts to become stronger. (About 1~2 minutes)                         ねぎと生姜を少量の油で炒め、香りが強くなるまで炒めます(約1〜2分)。

After the scent became stronger and the flavour of the ginger and green onion comes out into the oil, add the meat and all the other ingredients "except for the eggplant".                                                                                Add some water so the pork simmers easily. (About 1 cup)                         香りが強くなり、生姜とねぎの風味が油に出てきたら、肉と「なすを除く」他の材料をすべて加えます。                                                                            豚肉が簡単に煮えるように水を少し加えます。 (約1杯)


Continue to simmer the meat until it has been completely cooked, at this point the colour will still be quite light, but that is alright the nice colour of the soy sauce will become more present later.                                        完全に火が通るまで煮込みます。この時点ではまだかなり色が薄いですが、醤油の良い色は後でより存在感を増します。

Take the meat out and place it onto a plate temporarily and simmer the eggplant. It is complete once the eggplant appears to have changed into a shade of the soy sauce.
Eggplants are especially well suited for these sorts of dishes because they absorb the flavours easily.                                                                             


Cut the eggplant into bite sized pieces.                                                         なすを一口大に切る。


Bring the pork back into the pan and simmer for 4 minutes and this dish is complete.                                                                                                      豚肉を鍋に戻し、4分煮込むと完成です。


This type of pork has a lot of fattiness, which is very good, but as a pairing to this dish I chose to make a short grain variety of Indian rice.      このタイプの豚肉は脂っこいのでとても美味しいですが、この料理との組み合わせとして、私は短粒のインド米を作ることにしました。

I would recommend using quite a lot of ginger.                                          生姜をたくさん使うことをお勧めします。

" 続けましょう ! "

