インターネット調査室: 「White House says there is no conclusion on COVID-19 origin despite US report pointing to Chinese lab leak」 <ー 気球問題は、米中激突の始まりに過ぎない
今回は「White House says there is no conclusion on COVID-19 origin despite US report pointing to Chinese lab leak」についてコメントをさせて頂きます。
ABC: 1 Mar, 2023
「White House says there is no conclusion on COVID-19 origin despite US report pointing to Chinese lab leak」: 気球問題との絡みあり。
Despite a US department pointing a finger towards China, there has not been a definitive conclusion and consensus in the US government on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the White House.
National security spokesman John Kirby made the remarks when asked about a Wall Street Journal report that the US Energy Department had concluded the pandemic likely arose from a Chinese laboratory leak
an assessment Beijing denies.
検索キー: 2023 Military Strength Ranking
でも、軍事力ランキング3位の中国は違う。 恐らくは、それ相応に強く、米国の持っている、太平洋の覇権、USドルによる経済の覇権に正々堂々と挑戦しているのを見れば、中国は「こんな国です」、だから米国はこんなアクションを取りましたの正当化の準備段階ですね。
気球問題 ー> コロ ナ起源問題 ー> ... で世界の正論かため作戦開始
検索キー: White House says there is no conclusion on COVID-19 origin despite US report pointing to Chinese lab leak