
【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary Edition@2023/12/29)


ん~英文にした際に、イメージした日本文のニュアンスと異なるなと感じた英文の箇所については、復習も兼ねて、適宜、修正していきたいと考えています( `ー´)ノ

The title:The Most Important Thing in Writing

When a person receives a piece of writing from a book, etc., written by someone else, feels it, thinks about it, and then writes it down again.

This kind of catch-ball, or communication, is the substance of expressing something.

First, try to express what is moving inside you.

I think there are many people who can express their feelings naturally through writing.

But not all of them can do so.

Also, you should be sensitive to the fact that what you write is correct or appropriate for the occasion, and express your words in a way that matches the content of your writing.

I think there are many people who have learned to express themselves in such a way.

Perhaps I have come this far without being satisfied with the experience of being able to honestly express what I feel and move within myself.

However, if you cannot experience the freedom to express yourself by believing in your own senses, writing will not be an expression of yourself.

If that is the case, then perhaps practical writing is not an expression.

Of course, since practical writing is necessary for people in their roles, its training is not considered pointless.

However, it is only important in terms of being a role player, a person who takes on a certain task or role in society.

But in the game of expression, where we think about our way of life and exchange it with each other, we must change the way we produce words that fit the occasion.

It is about how we can experience the freedom of believing and expressing our senses, and that it is okay to do so.

I think this is very important.

It is very difficult, but I think it is the most important thing.

Second, the experience that writing is both a catch-all with oneself and with others.

What does it mean that writing is a catch-all with oneself?

When you write, you look at your own feeling and search for the right words.

I try to find the right combination of words to describe the feeling.

However, this is not just a matter of matching words to a feeling, it is also a matter of confirming the feeling itself by putting it into words.

By putting it into words, one begins to understand, "Ah, so this is how I feel.

This is the fun of self-understanding.

This always reminds me of the words of Hideo Kobayashi.

I have forgotten what Kobayashi wrote and have been searching for the original text for some time, so I am not sure of the source, but in one of Kobayashi's essays, he said something like this.

There is a saying, "There is no accounting for taste", that we all have a bug inside of us.

That bug will say things like, "I don't like bugs somehow," or "Isn't that great?

And "Recognizing and cultivating this bug is what critique is all about", Kobayashi says.

Literary criticism is a critique of a work of art.

First, you read the work.

You read the work and, for some unknown reason, you are extremely attracted to it.

What is this thing that is moving inside you at that moment?

Recognize and nurture the insect that is moving inside you.

Kobayashi says that this is what criticism is all about.

You may say that this is just impression criticism, but impression criticism is what is important.

That is the most important thing for criticism, to discover the true nature of the insect within oneself, the thing that is moving within oneself through contact with the work.

That is what writing is all about, according to Kobayashi.

I think I was in my late twenties when I first encountered this phrase, and it resonated strongly with me and has stayed with me.

The reason why it stayed with me is that I was someone who wanted to become an engineer, so I had to study a lot, I had to catch up with the theories and truths on the other side.

I thought I had to run hard toward what was over there, similar to the later-modern "catch up and overtake.

But then, the issue of how to cultivate sensitivity within oneself does not die.

There was always a fault line between my own sensitivity and my studies, and I was torn between the two.

But Kobayashi's statement made me realize that there is something right out there.

Yes, it is not that there is something right out there.

Of course I study, and I am stimulated by many things.

But when I realized that the most important thing was to nurture what was moving inside me, I felt at once free from the obsession I had felt until then, that I had to study.

In that respect, I feel a bit indebted to Kobayashi.

To play catch with oneself is to check and verify one's sensitivity, and to create an image of the world through this process.

But writing is more than that.

How do we communicate this to others?

This is also the battle.

What kind of words can be used to convey the message to these people, or in some cases, to an unspecified number of people?

This is the discipline.

It is a play catch with others.

It is also important to receive criticism from others.

Writing may be said to be the act of letting another person live inside you who represents others.

As I write, I hear voices saying, "No, this doesn't convey the message.

I listen to these voices as I continue to refine my expression.

Third, the experience that reading is also about receiving a ball thrown by others.

Reading is really important, and if we don't nurture it, we won't be able to nurture writing.

It is true that there is reading to receive information, and that is necessary, but it is not about trying to receive information from a text that is filled with your own thoughts and feelings.

What is especially important is the experience that this text is coming from a living person.

"There are people from all walks of life, from different generations, classes, genders, and eras. These people are trying to speak out for some reason."

This sense is very important, and I think it is important to make students aware of this when teaching reading.

Reading the development of logic is secondary.

Of course, it is important to read the development of logic, but while following the development, ask the following questions and try to sense it.

Why on earth does this person have to say this?

Under what kind of conditions of survival and in what kind of place does he live?

What kind of things are they caught up in, and why do they have to say these things?

I think this is the most important thing.

In the case of an editorial essay, it is necessary to read the author's own development of logic as well as what lies behind it.

While reading, one should try to sense at the same time why this person should go to the trouble of saying such a thing.

I think this sense is essential in the humanities and social sciences.

It is a kind of objective reading.

In other words, there is no such thing as a reading in which one can copy and paste what is written here and incorporate it into oneself.

There is one person, and there is a problem that needs to be said.

There is a situation.

That is where the words come from, and they speak to us.

A sentence can only be understood by asking, "What is this?

So it is really a play catch.

In the first training book on practical writing, we talked about making readers aware of specific situations and other people.

In fact, it is important to make readers aware of who is speaking in essays, literature, and editorials, and it is also possible to use literature as a material to develop a sense of otherness.

It is possible to read literature and editorials as a form of communication or a game of catch.

It is important to realize that there are people whose way of life is different from our own and whose conditions for living are different from our own.

People in the past lived in a different society and under different conditions than I did, and there are people whose way of life and conditions are different from my own.

Through the text, we can sense this.

From there, you can look back and realize that this is the way you live, the way you survive.

Human beings are not only the same people as yourself.

It is important to realize that we live as different beings.

But it is not only differences.

Modern thought places a great deal of emphasis on difference, but I believe that difference alone is never enough to establish a reading.

I feel that we are all very different, but at the same time, we are all the same person, and I feel frustrated when people criticize me.

At the same time, we are all human beings, and we feel frustrated when people criticize us, and we are happy when people accept us.

Without such feelings, empathic understanding is not possible.

We must be able to perceive the difference and at the same time understand that we share the same feelings.

How can these two be cultivated?

I feel that this is the decisive factor when it comes to reading.

I think this is the same thing as empathy and gap.

The gap or difference between myself and the author is at the same time the movement of the same sensitivity.

Empathy for the fact that there are things that are the same as human beings, things that do not change.

I think it is a matter of whether or not both of these things can be nurtured.

As I read, I feel empathy and repulsion within me.

But instead of going there immediately, I put my feelings aside and think about the author himself, wondering how he or she must have felt.

Through such a process, I can once again reconsider my own sympathy and repulsion.

For example, we can express our own feelings in our blogs and share them with the people around us.

In this way, it is important for each of us to nurture the insects within us, to nurture our own way of life, and to nurture our understanding of people who are different from ourselves.

It is not just about developing writing skills, but it is important to nurture the sensitivity within each individual.

I believe that it is Japanese language education that has nurtured the foundation and basis for such games of expression.

This is not Japanese language education that teaches Japanese to foreigners.

I believe that Japanese language education has the extremely important mission of laying the foundation for modern people to play the game of expression.

I really think so.

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【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Book report edition@2023/12/28)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/30)

【大晦日カウントダウン記事(8:00)】【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/31)
