
Balancing Parenthood and Professional Growth: Some Thoughts About My Job

By revisiting my recent posts on this platform, I’ve noticed a recurring theme—most of my thoughts and reflections revolve around my children. This makes sense, as raising children consumes nearly all of my personal time, and naturally, my emotions and energy are directed toward them. However, this realization has led me to question my professional life, which I rarely mention. It feels as though my identity as a working professional has taken a backseat, and I’ve started wondering about the role my career plays in my life.

One of the reasons I don’t often bring up my job is because, frankly, it’s not engaging enough for me to think about outside of working hours. My current role doesn’t align with my interests or strengths. I thrive on interpersonal interactions and enjoy tasks that involve gathering and analyzing information. Unfortunately, my job neither meets these preferences nor allows me to make full use of my language skills. While I speak Japanese and Chinese daily, the tasks I perform don’t require the advanced skills I possess. English, which I’ve dedicated a great deal of time and effort to mastering, is rarely used at work. This underutilization of my abilities leaves me feeling stagnant and unchallenged, which raises doubts about whether this job is the right fit for me.

Nevertheless, there are several reasons why I’ve remained in this position. First, the flexibility it offers is invaluable. I have the ability to leave work on time, which is essential for picking up my children from daycare and balancing my responsibilities as a mother. The job doesn’t demand much overtime, and I can take paid leave without much hassle, which is crucial when my children fall ill or need extra care. These aspects of the work environment are a huge relief, especially for a mother with young children, including one who is just a year old and requires constant attention.

In addition, I manage my clients independently, so I have full control over my schedule and tasks without worrying about affecting others’ workflows. My supervisor grants me a lot of autonomy, which means I’m rarely micromanaged. This freedom allows me to use any spare time during the day to focus on self-improvement, such as learning English or journaling—activities that help me stay engaged and continue growing in some way. Everyone around me is focused on their own tasks, so there’s little scrutiny, and I’m free to manage my day as I see fit. From a logistical standpoint, my job is almost ideal for a mother juggling work and childcare.

However, there’s an undeniable sense of monotony. The repetitive tasks, lack of meaningful challenges, and minimal use of my language skills make me question whether staying in this role is truly the best decision for my long-term happiness. I often wonder if I’m wasting my potential in a job that doesn’t bring me much joy or allow me to develop further. Yet, when I reflect on what kind of job would truly fulfill me, I find that I don’t have a clear answer. I haven’t yet identified what career path would give me the excitement, joy, and sense of purpose I’m searching for.

Given this uncertainty, I’ve come to the conclusion that, for now, staying in my current role might be the most practical choice. Although it doesn’t ignite passion in me, it allows me to focus on my primary responsibility—being a mother—without overwhelming work-related stress. The flexibility and supportive environment I have at work are rare, and I recognize the privilege of having a job that accommodates my needs as a parent. In this season of life, where my children demand much of my attention, a job that doesn’t drain me but provides stability might be what I need most.

Ultimately, staying in this position doesn’t mean I’ve given up on my ambitions. It’s a temporary solution that fits my current situation, allowing me to prioritize my family while also giving me room to reflect on my future career aspirations. I’m committed to finding ways to grow personally and professionally, even within the confines of a job that doesn’t fully challenge me. Whether it’s improving my language skills, learning something new, or simply reflecting on what I want from my career, I’ll continue to prepare myself for the day when I’m ready to take on something more fulfilling.

While my current job may seem uninspiring, it serves a purpose in this chapter of my life. It gives me the freedom and flexibility to be present for my children without sacrificing financial stability. At the same time, it provides me with the space to reflect on my long-term goals without the pressure of immediate change. I may not know exactly what career path I want to pursue, but by staying open to growth and self-improvement, I can make the most of my current situation while preparing for whatever the future holds. For now, my priority is maintaining balance—honoring my responsibilities as a mother while keeping my professional options open for when the time feels right to move on.
