#2、写真か人形か de 女子 @Bing+プロンプト
画像生成:Image Creator from Designer
A Japanese woman is standing in a beach with a surf under a blue sky.
She has the following:
A smiling face with freckles
Pink lips
Big brown eyes
The pupils and whites of her eyes are beautiful and clear.
Her hairstyle is short bob. Her hair color is yellow.
She is wearing a sundress with a floral pattern.
・・・上記のプロンプトで、狙い通りフィギュア風になったが・・・ちょっと画風の指定 (3D FIGURE) を外して、画像を再生成してみた・・・
A Japanese woman is standing in a beach with a surf under a blue sky.
She has the following:
A smiling face with freckles
Pink lips
Big brown eyes
The pupils and whites of her eyes are beautiful and clear.
Her hairstyle is short bob. Her hair color is yellow.
She is wearing a sundress with a floral pattern.
A Japanese woman is standing in a beach with a surf under a blue sky.
She has the following:
A smiling face with freckles
Pink lips
Big brown eyes
The pupils and whites of her eyes are beautiful and clear.
Her hairstyle is short bob. Her hair color is yellow.
She is wearing a sundress with a floral pattern.
・・・写真風になった・・・しかし若干、崩壊気味・・・これは、同じプロンプトを連続して送信したのが、原因ではなかろうかと思う・・・Image Creatorは同じプロントを繰り返し送信することで、画像崩壊を簡単に起こすような気がする・・・或る種のハルシネーションと言えるのかも知れない・・・