High CEA levels, part 2 人間ドック CEA高値 その2
CEA高値 その2
腫瘍マーカーの値 CEA があります
その際の画像診断では全く異常はないという結果でしたそして2021年に12の CEA の値が出ましたのでこれは再検査ということでまた検査をしました
そして首から腰までの CT を再検査で行いましたこれは病院に行った際にすぐに CT を撮りました早期発見早期治療ということです
そしてその後一週間後また病院に行きましたそして CT の結果も異常ないということになっていますすると何が悪いのかよく分からないなぜ CEA の値が平均以上に高いのかわからないそういった状況になりました
しかしその後に先生がわかったことがありましてそれは保険適用の検査がある保険適用の MRI 検査があるということですねもしその pet検査をやると費用がおよそ10万円です
これは保険が適用されない検査ですのでそれくらいの費用がかかるしかしその保険が適用される MRI の検査においては費用はおよそ1万円以内で済む10約10倍1/10の価格で済むという検査があったのでそちらをお勧めされました
そこで検索するパソコンやスマートフォンの Google などでわからないことを自分で調べる自分の知識を蓄えるそういったことで自分の命も守れますしコストもダウンできるということがわかります
これはもっと言うともうすでにインターネットや AI で治療方法や解決策がわかる時代になっているということでもあります
そして私はそのおすすめされた保険適用の MRI を受けます
またコストが跳ね上がるということになりますので紹介状をもらいましてその MRI 検査を受けました
ちなみに私は以前この MRI 検査を受けた時にとても工事現場の中にいるようなうるさい音ですけども睡眠をしてしまいました
私はいろんなとこで寝れるタイプですので気にならない人はその場で MR 検査を受けながら寝ることもできてしまうぐらいの環境の場合もあります
そしてその記録の CD も渡されました結果全く異常がないということになりました
そうすると CEA 値が高くても異常がない場合がある
また 腫瘍マーカー CH を確認するということになっております次回はまた3ヶ月後病院に行くことになります
ちなみに私はこの MRI を受けてその票一週間後その病院に行きましたそしてその病院に行って診察した時間はおよそ5分以上ないということと次回また CEA の値を知る為に採血をしましょうということになります
今オンライン授業やオンライン英会話オンラインヨガなどいろいろあります Online さんのもあります
High CEA levels, part 2 Yes! There is a tumor marker value, CEA. The results of the physical examination showed that this value was high. And we also know that this value can indicate cancer, most likely cancer of the internal organs such as stomach or colon cancer. And these values... The average value is between 1 and 5. In my case, I had a value of about 6 in 2020 and about 12 in 2021. This is more than twice as high as the average value of 12, which is about 2.4 times higher. And because of these readings, I had a retest, which is a retest, because I had a colonoscopy in 2020. I had a colonoscopy in 2020, and the imaging showed no abnormalities at all, and then in 2021, I had a CEA level of 12, so I had another test. And in 2020, I had a colonoscopy, which showed that there were no abnormalities, because a colonoscopy can be done every five years to determine if there are any abnormalities. In other words, it is necessary to have a colonoscopy every five years. And in my case, I have a gastroscopy every year, and I have an oral gastroscopy, so I know that there will be no abnormalities in 2020 or 2021, including the esophagus and throat. And then I had another CT scan from my neck to my lower back, which I did right away when I went to the hospital because it's early detection and early treatment. And then I went back to the hospital a week later and the CT results came back clear, so I'm not sure what's wrong with me, I'm not sure why my CEA levels are higher than average. So the doctor recommended the pet test, which is not covered by insurance, at first. But after that, the doctor found out that there is a test that is covered by insurance, an MRI test that is covered by insurance, and if you do that pet test, the cost is about 100,000 yen. This is a test that is not covered by insurance, so it will cost you that much, but there is an MRI test that is covered by insurance that will cost you less than 10,000 yen, which is about 10 times 1/10 of the price, so he recommended that. If this test was not covered by insurance, the price would be 10 times higher. This is a costly burden for the patient, so it's important that you have the knowledge to do your own research on the internet. It is important to have such knowledge on your own because we know that we live in an age where we can find out anything we want to know on the Internet without having to rely on doctors. If you don't know something, ask someone, which is good in principle, but there is such a thing as the Internet. If you don't know what you want to know, ask someone who does. This also means that we are already living in an age where the Internet and AI can help us find treatments and solutions. This means that there is already an abundance of information available without having to ask a doctor. By using the internet and your doctor's information double, you can get more accurate medical care and receive medical care that is more suitable for you. And I'm going to get that recommended MRI that's covered by my insurance. I go to another hospital in Yaesu, Tokyo, because they don't offer it. In the event that you've got any questions about the way to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. So I got a referral letter and had the MRI scan. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea. The sound is too loud for those with good hearing, but the headphones will keep the noise down to a certain extent, and it's a very narrow tunnel, so people with claustrophobia may feel very uneasy. It can make you want to run away. However, you will be given a buzzer so you don't have to be lonely or anxious, just press the buzzer and the person in charge will rush to you. By the way, when I had this MRI test before, I fell asleep even though it was very noisy, like being in a construction site. I'm the type of person who can sleep in many places, so if you don't mind, you can even fall asleep right there while having the MR scan. However, since there is a repetition of holding your breath and easing off, holding your breath and easing off, it is important to keep your ears sharp. And then you spend 45 minutes in this construction site, like a gun, like a gun, like a gun. And that was the end of the test, so I went back to the hospital a week later and I was examined, and they gave me the pictures of the test. And they gave me a CD of the test results, and they said that there was nothing wrong with me. So, it's possible to have a high CEA level and not have any abnormalities. And sure enough, I had no abnormalities whatsoever. By the way, my father told me that it can be very high when he travels abroad and then it settles down when he returns. So, it is possible that there is some factor that causes the level to suddenly rise and then fall again as time passes, even though there is nothing wrong with the cancer. However, the fact that there is nothing on the image does not mean that it is the end of the story. In my case, I will take another blood sample in 3 months to check the tumor marker CH again. In my case, I will have my blood drawn again in three months to check the tumor marker CH, and I will go back to the hospital in three months. The next time you go to the hospital will be in three months. This means that even if you are fine now, it may go up or down again in three months. In short, it's a case of watching the situation, watching the situation, and understanding the situation. By the way, I had this MRI and I went to the hospital a week after the vote, and I went to the hospital and I saw the doctor for no more than about five minutes, and I'm going to have my blood drawn again next time to find out what the CEA level is. Through all of this, I thought to myself, "This is the future of online medicine. If you have to spend an hour to go to the hospital, an hour to go back home, and 30 minutes to wait for the doctor to see you, and 30 minutes to see the doctor, you will lose 4 hours and half a day. It's just a matter of time. Nowadays, there are a variety of online classes, online English conversation, online yoga, and so on. In the midst of all this, it is clear that the reason why medical treatment is not proceeding is because of vested interests, and there is resistance to protect them. If we can break through this, it will lead to a reduction in medical costs, and it will also make it possible for our patients to use their time more effectively. If we can break through this, we can reduce the cost of medical care, and we can also make use of the time we have to spend visiting hospitals. In any case, your health comes first, and sometimes you can't go to the hospital because you have work to do, and you think you can put off seeing a doctor or getting treatment because you have to work first. I think this is a mistake. In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. If you have a doctor's appointment, make it your first priority. We can do anything from sports, hobbies, school, study, work, and love, but it's our health that makes it possible for us to eat, sleep, and enjoy life. That's all.