【英訳学習#26】BEYBLADE X はなぜ大人を熱狂させるのか?
今日は もう"おもちゃ"じゃない!出荷数100万個の大ヒットを遂げた「BEYBLADE X」はなぜ大人を熱狂させるのか? の英訳でビジネス英語の表現をまなびます!
上級者向けに BEYBLADE Xの売り上げを2倍にするにはどうするか? というお題で生成AIにケースインタビューを作成してもらいました!
■Why does BEYBLADE X make adults go crazy?
It's no longer just a toy! Why does the hit "BEYBLADE X" that shipped 1 million units make adults go crazy?
Beyblade will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2024. It is also available in over 80 countries and regions around the world, with a total of over 520 million units shipped. In July 2023, the fourth generation new product "BEYBLADE X" was released from Beyblade, which is popular all over the world.
This time, we spoke with Yuta Kosaka, Chief of Marketing, Global Beyblade Business Division, Takara Tomy Co., Ltd., who was in charge of developing "BEYBLADE X", about the behind-the-scenes of the product's creation.
*This article is a summary and excerpt of some of the content from the audio content "DIME Hit Product Research Institute" currently being distributed on Voicy. The entire content can be heard on Voicy.
A new Beyblade that has evolved with "super acceleration"
Beyblade was originally developed as a modern take on the Japanese "Beygoma". Players can customize their own tops and spin them with a special launcher to battle. Regarding the features of the newly released "BEYBLADE X", Kosaka said the following.
"The fourth generation "BEYBLADE X" has evolved in every aspect, from the top itself, to the launcher, and the stadium where the battles take place. The biggest feature is that it can now perform the "super acceleration X-dash (extreme dash)". The gears at the end of the top's axis and the gears attached to the stadium mesh with each other, achieving unprecedented speed."
The addition of the X-dash function allows for the fastest attack ever. Now you can enjoy more intense battles like those in the anime in the real world.
"BEYBLADE X" is the culmination of all previous Beyblades
The new product "BEYBLADE X" is said to be packed with all the elements of the previous Beyblades.
"BEYBLADE X incorporates all the elements from previous generations, and the new X-Dash (Extreme Dash) has been added, evolving it into something that can be enjoyed by both old and new players, children and adults alike. For example, the original Bakuten Shoot Beyblade introduced customizability and the ability to devise strategies by judging compatibility between customizations, while the second generation Metal Fight Beyblade introduced the metal "Metal Blade" blades that connect the blades of the Beyblades, and the previous third generation Beyblade Burst introduced the "Burst Gimmick" that destroys the opponent's Beyblade when it hits it with a strong impact, both of which have been carried over to BEYBLADE X.
While it incorporates elements from previous generations, the product name of the fourth generation is very simple, "BEYBLADE X." This smart name, which has never been seen in any Beyblade before, was chosen with the intention of evoking the image of sports.
"Beyblade is played by many people around the world and is also enjoyed by spectators, so we think of it as something like an extreme sport. That's why we named it "X" to convey the idea that it's a series that realizes extreme, exciting, and extraordinarily exciting battles."
Support from adults also contributes to its success
"BEYBLADE X" has exceeded 1 million units shipped in Japan in about three months since its release on July 15, 2023. In the toy industry, where 100,000 units is considered a hit, this is an unusually big hit. Kosaka says that the reason behind this is support not only from children but also from adults.
"The purchase ratio is 70% children and 30% adults, so it is enjoyed by a wide range of age groups. Since the first generation, Beyblade has been popular because the tops spin at high speed and crash violently into each other, but I think that the increased intensity of this version has resonated with adults as well. People who played the first generation Beyblade have picked it up again after a long time, and two generations of parents and children are enjoying it together."
She continues on about how adults can enjoy Beyblade:
"Since I became an adult, I have pursued the customizability of Beyblade more. Now, by linking it with an app, I can measure my shooting power, and I enjoy the research element of changing the way I shoot and seeing the fluctuations in the numbers."
The Beyblade Division has incorporated Beyblade battles as a way to refresh themselves when meetings get stuck. During the battle, there is no consideration for anyone. It doesn't matter whether you are a superior or a subordinate. It may be because of this unique environment where adults can play seriously that products that adults can get excited about across generations are created.
Beyblade is no longer "a game"!
The official website has a catchphrase that reads, "Beyblade is a sport." There is a reason why "BEYBLADE X" is promoted as a sport.
"Beyblade battles require all of the elements of mind, technique, and body, including psychological warfare, honing skills, and customizing Beyblades. Furthermore, since it attracts not only players but also spectators, we see it as a sport that promotes interaction and communication between people."
In addition, in order to take the Beyblade brand, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2024, to the next level, it was necessary to shift away from being a "toy to play with."
"Beyblade is now enjoyed by everyone, from children to adults, regardless of age, gender, or nationality. In order to create an opportunity for more people to enjoy it, we decided to make it a sport, not a game."
The most difficult part of development was creating the concept.
The development of "BEYBLADE X" began in 2019. Kosaka looks back on the situation at the time as follows.
"We spent the most time on planning and coming up with the concept. We had many discussions about what kind of gimmick would surprise everyone and what the concept was. After getting to the essence of what makes Beyblade fun, we came to the conclusion that it's in the "clash between the pieces". To make that even more fun and intense, we decided to add the super acceleration gimmick."
The team members involved in this development were about 15 to 20 people. The members ranged in age and background, from people who had been involved in the development and marketing of each Beyblade from the first to the third generation to people who were involved for the first time. Regarding the difficulties in commercializing the product, Kosaka continues:
"We had to keep costs down to an affordable price range, and there were restrictions such as safety, so we struggled to achieve super acceleration that would make anyone say, 'Wow, that's fast! I want to try that!'"
During development, the members not only discussed things, but also had Beyblade battles with each other and showed each other the moves, and they proceeded by actually getting their hands dirty.
Appealing Beyblade as a competitive sport
During the three-day holiday in October 2023, including Sports Day, the BEYBLADE X TRAINING CENTER, a facility where you can experience Beyblade, opened for a limited time to promote its appeal as a competitive sport.
"It is a training facility where you can experience Beyblade as a gear sport. You can enjoy Beyblade as a light workout, and it has become a place where not only children but also adults can gather casually. Inside the facility, there is a rental space for Beyblades, a stadium where you can play freely, and you can receive lectures from trainers. It was very well received as a space where you can enjoy Beyblade as if you were going to a sports event."
In addition, they are focusing on appealing to the sports aspect by holding collaborative events with sports events that attract a wide range of ages, such as soccer and volleyball.
Entering the metaverse! Developing content unique to online
In addition, Beyblade is developing new content on the world-popular metaverse platform Roblox.
"The newly opened Beyblade Park on Roblox has released online Beyblade games. There are official games, but there are about 16 games in total that were co-created with creators. At first, I couldn't imagine online Beyblade, but I feel that there are new ways to play Beyblade, such as human-sized Beys attacking, that are possible only in games."
The importance of creating a concept that is easy to understand
Finally, Kosaka talked about what he learned through this development:
"I have become constantly conscious of whether the concept is being communicated in a way that everyone can understand. Even within the company, I am often asked, 'What is the concept of this Beyblade in one word?' It is something that is enjoyed by a wide range of people, from children to adults, so I realized that it is important to be able to firmly grasp the concept in myself at a level that can be conveyed to others in one word."
■BEYBLADE X はなぜ大人を熱狂させるのか?
もう"おもちゃ"じゃない!出荷数100万個の大ヒットを遂げた「BEYBLADE X」はなぜ大人を熱狂させるのか?
2024年で25周年を迎える、ベイブレード。世界80以上の国と地域でも展開されており、累計の出荷数は5億2,000万個を超えている。そんな世界中で人気のあるベイブレードから2023年7月、第四世代となる新商品『BEYBLADE X(ベイブレード エックス)」が発売された。
今回は、『BEYBLADE X』の開発を担当した株式会社タカラトミー グローバルベイブレード事業部 マーケティング課 主任 髙坂遊太さんに、 商品誕生の裏側についてお話を伺った。
元々、日本の「ベーゴマ」を現代風にアレンジして開発されたベイブレード。プレイヤーが独自にコマをカスタマイズし、専用の発射装置(ランチャー)でコマを回し、バトルができる。新商品として発売された『BEYBLADE X』の特長について、髙坂さんは次のように話す。
「第四世代となる『BEYBLADE X』は、コマ本体、ランチャー、バトルが行われるスタジアムのすべてがそれぞれ進化しています。最大の特長は、『超加速Xダッシュ(エクストリームダッシュ)』ができるようになった点です。コマの軸先のギヤとスタジアムに取り付けられたギヤ同士が噛み合い、これまでにないスピードを実現しました」
『BEYBLADE X』は、これまでのベイブレードの集大成
新商品の『BEYBLADE X』には、歴代ベイブレードのすべての要素が詰め込まれているという。
「『BEYBLADE X』は、歴代のすべての要素を詰めこんだうえ、新たにXダッシュ(エクストリームダッシュ)が加わり、昔遊んでいた人も初めて遊ぶ人も、子どもから大人まで楽しんでいただけるものに進化しました。例えば、初代『爆転シュート ベイブレード」からはカスタマイズ性や、カスタム同士の相性を判断して戦略を練る点が、第二世代『メタルファイト ベイブレード』からは、ベイブレード同士が当たる刃の部分が金属製の『メタルブレード』になっている点が、一つ前の第三世代『ベイブレードバースト』では、強い衝撃が当たると相手のベイを破壊する『バーストギミック』が、BEYBLADE Xにも引き継がれています。
歴代の要素を詰め込んだ一方、第四世代の商品名は『BEYBLADE X』と非常にシンプル。これまでのベイブレードにないスマートなネーミングは、スポーツをイメージしてもらえるよう意図して付けられた。
『BEYBLADE X』 は、2023年7月15日の発売開始から約3か月で、国内累計出荷数100万個を突破。10万個でヒットと言われるおもちゃ業界では、異例の大ヒットだ。その背景には、子どもだけではなく大人からの支持があると髙坂さんは話す。
公式サイトには「ベイブレードはスポーツへ。」というキャッチコピーが記載されている。『BEYBLADE X』をスポーツとして訴求していることにはこんな意図がある。
2019年からスタートした『BEYBLADE X』の開発。当時の状況について、髙坂さんはこう振り返る。
2023年10月のスポーツの日を含む3連休には、ベイブレードを体感できる施設『BEYBLADE X TRAINING CENTER(ベイブレード エックス トレーニングセンター)』が期間限定でオープンし、競技スポーツとしての魅力を発信した。
もう"おもちゃ"じゃない!出荷数100万個の大ヒットを遂げた「BEYBLADE X」はなぜ大人を熱狂させるのか?
@DIME アットダイム
■TOEIC Part5 対策を想定した英単語、フレーズをまなびます!
shipped 1 million units 100万台出荷
behind-the-scenes 舞台裏
special launcher 特別なランチャー
unprecedented speed 前例のない速度
culmination 集大成
customizability カスタマイズ性
psychological warfare 心理戦
honing skills 技術を磨く
promoting interaction and communication 交流とコミュニケーションを促進する
affordable price range 手頃な価格帯
competitive sport 競技スポーツ
metaverse メタバース
commercialization 商業化
collaborative events 協力イベント
training facility トレーニング施設
light workout 軽い運動
catchphrase キャッチフレーズ
extreme sport エクストリームスポーツ
research element 研究要素
fluctuations in the numbers 数値の変動
superior or subordinate 上司または部下
gear sport ギアスポーツ
The company shipped 1 million units last quarter.
We need to understand the behind-the-scenes process of the project.
The new product comes with a special launcher.
The new technology achieves unprecedented speed.
This project is the culmination of years of research.
The customizability of the software is a key feature.
Effective psychological warfare can give a competitive edge.
He is honing his skills to become a better leader.
Promoting interaction and communication among team members is crucial.
We aim to offer products within an affordable price range.
The company is investing in competitive sports sponsorships.
The metaverse is becoming a popular platform for virtual events.
The commercialization of this technology will take time.
We are planning several collaborative events with other companies.
The new training facility will open next month.
A light workout can help reduce stress.
The catchphrase for the campaign is very catchy.
Extreme sports require a high level of skill and courage.
The research element of the project is very detailed.
We need to monitor the fluctuations in the numbers closely.
It is important to respect your superior or subordinate in the workplace.
Gear sports are gaining popularity among young people.
今回は BEYBLADE Xの売り上げを2倍にするにはどうするか? というお題で生成AI:Copilot(ChatGPT GPT-4)にケースインタビューを作成してもらいました!
■how to double the sales of BEYBLADE X?
Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today. Let’s dive into the case. Our client, BEYBLADE X, is looking to double their sales. How would you approach this challenge?
Candidate: Thank you for having me. To start, I would like to understand the current situation of BEYBLADE X. Could you provide some background information on their current sales performance, target market, and key competitors?
Interviewer: Certainly. BEYBLADE X is currently generating annual sales of $50 million. Their primary target market is children aged 6-12, and their main competitors are other toy brands like LEGO and Hot Wheels.
Candidate: Great, thank you. To double the sales, I would consider a multi-faceted approach. Here are a few strategies we could explore:
Product Diversification:
Introduce new variations of BEYBLADE X, such as limited edition models, themed sets, and customizable options.
Expand the product line to include accessories and complementary products, like battle arenas and storage cases.
Marketing and Promotion:
Increase advertising efforts through TV commercials, online ads, and social media campaigns targeting both children and parents.
Collaborate with popular influencers and YouTubers who can showcase BEYBLADE X in their content.
Distribution Channels:
Expand distribution to new markets, both domestically and internationally.
Partner with major retailers and e-commerce platforms to increase product availability and visibility.
Customer Engagement:
Organize tournaments and events to engage the community and create excitement around BEYBLADE X.
Develop a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and encourage word-of-mouth referrals.
Pricing Strategy:
Evaluate the current pricing strategy and consider offering bundle deals or discounts for bulk purchases.
Introduce a premium line of BEYBLADE X products at a higher price point to capture a different segment of the market.
Interviewer: Those are some excellent strategies. How would you prioritize these initiatives?
Candidate: I would prioritize the initiatives based on their potential impact and feasibility. Here’s a possible prioritization:
Marketing and Promotion: This can have an immediate impact on sales and brand awareness.
Product Diversification: Introducing new products can attract new customers and increase sales from existing customers.
Distribution Channels: Expanding distribution can open up new revenue streams.
Customer Engagement: Building a strong community can lead to long-term loyalty and repeat sales.
Pricing Strategy: Adjusting pricing can help capture different market segments and increase overall sales.
Interviewer: That sounds like a solid plan. How would you measure the success of these initiatives?
Candidate: We can measure success through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:
Sales Growth: Track the increase in sales revenue and units sold.
Market Share: Monitor changes in market share compared to competitors.
Customer Acquisition: Measure the number of new customers acquired.
Customer Retention: Track repeat purchase rates and customer loyalty.
Brand Awareness: Use surveys and social media metrics to gauge brand recognition and sentiment.
Interviewer: Excellent. Thank you for your insights. That concludes our case interview.
■BEYBLADE X の売り上げを2倍にするには?
面接官: 本日はお越しいただきありがとうございます。早速ですが、ケースに入りましょう。クライアントの BEYBLADE X は売り上げを2倍にしたいと考えています。この課題にどのように取り組みますか?
候補者: ありがとうございます。まず、BEYBLADE X の現状を理解したいと思います。現在の売り上げ状況、ターゲット市場、主要な競合他社について教えていただけますか?
面接官: もちろんです。BEYBLADE X は現在、年間売り上げが 50 億円です。主なターゲット市場は 6 歳から 12 歳の子供たちで、主要な競合他社は LEGO や Hot Wheels などの他の玩具ブランドです。
候補者: ありがとうございます。売り上げを2倍にするために、いくつかの戦略を検討したいと思います。以下のようなアプローチが考えられます:
BEYBLADE X の新しいバリエーション(限定版モデル、テーマセット、カスタマイズ可能なオプションなど)を導入する。
人気のインフルエンサーやYouTuberとコラボレーションし、BEYBLADE X を紹介してもらう。
大手小売業者や e コマースプラットフォームと提携し、製品の入手可能性と視認性を高める。
トーナメントやイベントを開催し、コミュニティを活性化させ、BEYBLADE X に対する興奮を生み出す。
面接官: 素晴らしい戦略ですね。これらの施策をどのように優先順位付けしますか?
候補者: 施策の影響力と実現可能性に基づいて優先順位を付けます。以下のように優先順位を付けることが考えられます:
マーケティングとプロモーション: これは売り上げとブランド認知度に即効性のある影響を与える可能性があります。
製品の多様化: 新製品の導入は新規顧客を引き付け、既存顧客からの売り上げを増加させることができます。
流通チャネルの拡大: 流通の拡大は新しい収益源を開拓することができます。
顧客エンゲージメント: 強力なコミュニティを構築することで、長期的なロイヤルティとリピート販売を促進できます。
価格戦略: 価格調整により、異なる市場セグメントを取り込み、全体の売り上げを増加させることができます。
面接官: それは堅実な計画ですね。これらの施策の成功をどのように測定しますか?
候補者: 以下の主要業績評価指標(KPI)を使用して成功を測定できます:
売上成長: 売上収益と販売単位の増加を追跡します。
市場シェア: 競合他社との市場シェアの変化を監視します。
顧客獲得: 新規顧客の獲得数を測定します。
顧客維持: リピート購入率と顧客ロイヤルティを追跡します。
ブランド認知度: 調査やソーシャルメディアの指標を使用してブランド認知度と感情を評価します。
面接官: 素晴らしいです。ご意見ありがとうございました。これでケースインタビューは終了です。
■TOEIC Part5 対策を想定した英単語、フレーズをまなびます!
Current situation 現在の状況
Sales performance 売上実績
Target market ターゲット市場
Key competitors 主要競合他社
Annual sales 年間売上
Primary target market 主なターゲット市場
Multi-faceted approach 多面的なアプローチ
Product diversification 製品の多様化
Limited edition models 限定版モデル
Themed sets テーマセット
Customizable options カスタマイズ可能なオプション
Complementary products 補完製品
Battle arenas バトルアリーナ
Storage cases 収納ケース
Marketing and promotion マーケティングとプロモーション
Advertising efforts 広告活動
TV commercials テレビコマーシャル
Online ads オンライン広告
Social media campaigns ソーシャルメディアキャンペーン
Influencers インフルエンサー
Distribution channels 流通チャネル
Domestic markets 国内市場
International markets 国際市場
Major retailers 大手小売業者
E-commerce platforms 電子商取引プラットフォーム
Customer engagement 顧客エンゲージメント
Tournaments トーナメント
Loyalty program ロイヤルティプログラム
Word-of-mouth referrals 口コミ紹介
Pricing strategy 価格戦略
Bundle deals バンドル取引
Bulk purchases 大量購入
Premium line プレミアムライン
Feasibility 実現可能性
Prioritization 優先順位
Key performance indicators (KPIs) 主要業績評価指標 (KPI)
Sales growth 売上成長
Market share 市場シェア
Customer acquisition 顧客獲得
Customer retention 顧客維持
Brand awareness ブランド認知
Social media metrics ソーシャルメディア指標
Brand recognition ブランド認知
Sentiment 感情
The current situation of the company is stable.
We need to analyze the sales performance of the last quarter.
Our target market includes young professionals.
Identifying key competitors is crucial for our strategy.
The company's annual sales have exceeded expectations.
The primary target market for this product is teenagers.
A multi-faceted approach is necessary to solve this problem.
Product diversification can help increase market share.
Limited edition models often attract collectors.
Themed sets are popular among children.
Customizable options allow customers to personalize their purchases.
Complementary products can enhance the main product's appeal.
Battle arenas are essential for competitive play.
Storage cases help keep the products organized.
Effective marketing and promotion can boost sales.
Increasing advertising efforts is a priority.
TV commercials are a traditional form of advertising.
Online ads can reach a wider audience.
Social media campaigns are effective for brand awareness.
Influencers can help promote our products to their followers.
Expanding distribution channels is crucial for growth.
We need to focus on both domestic and international markets.
Partnering with major retailers can increase our product's visibility.
E-commerce platforms are essential for online sales.
Customer engagement is key to building brand loyalty.
Organizing tournaments can create excitement around the product.
A loyalty program can encourage repeat purchases.
Word-of-mouth referrals are a powerful marketing tool.
A well-planned pricing strategy can maximize profits.
Bundle deals can attract cost-conscious customers.
Offering discounts for bulk purchases can increase sales volume.
A premium line can target high-end consumers.
Feasibility studies are necessary before launching a new product.
Prioritization of tasks is essential for effective project management.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) help measure success.
主要業績評価指標 (KPI) は成功を測定するのに役立ちます。
Sales growth is a primary goal for the company.
Increasing market share is a sign of competitive strength.
Customer acquisition costs should be monitored closely.
Customer retention strategies can improve long-term profitability.
Brand awareness campaigns can enhance market presence.
Social media metrics provide insights into consumer behavior.
Brand recognition is important for customer loyalty.
Understanding customer sentiment can guide marketing strategies.
今回は もう"おもちゃ"じゃない!出荷数100万個の大ヒットを遂げた「BEYBLADE X」はなぜ大人を熱狂させるのか? の英訳でビジネス英語の表現をまなびました!