
His Secret|ショートショート英訳

I had a partner, we've been together for three years.

 We had lived  together in a high-rise apartment where he originally lived alone. I had not told my parents yet, but I knew he is the one I want to marry.

 He was tall, had moderately broad shoulders that looks good in a suit.
But it was not only his physics that made him so attractive. His kindness stands out, that whenever I get frustrated and harsh with him he was very gentle and calm.

 We didn't often eat out, but that night he suggested to go to a restaurant.
 I arrived early and decided to order first Caesar salad and an aperitif while waiting for him. About 30 minutes later he arrived.

 He was wearing a long navy blue coat paired with a striped scarf. He looks a little tired from work, but the bridge of his nose was clear making even handsome. All of a sudden I got conscious worrying that my makeup would come off, even though he used to seeing my bare face at home.
 "I'm sorry" he said,
 "I've had to work a little longer than usual."
 "No," I replied,
 " We both have tomorrow's off, so there's no need to rush, and I've only been waiting a little while"
 He carefully folded his coat and took the seat in front of me. All the while he kept his eyes and smile on me, while I stared at his fluid motion. The hand's that picked up the menu was as slender and supple as a woman's with a well groomed nails. He guided me in ordering making me comfortable as I can't decide until the last minute.

 " I ordered pizza, paella, seasonal soup and a few others" he said.
 " Thank you" I replied
 A young looking waitress brought us our dishes one at time. She seems to be new and still not used to her job. But he still responded kindly, thanking the waitress while serving the food. I was a little jealous of her, but I was proud to be with this gentleman.

 We had spent an ideal time together while enjoying the delicious food. When I was about to share and complain about my job I stopped myself, because he happily started to share his plans for a trip in Italy.
 In the middle of our conversation, he suddenly started talking about something I didn't understand.

 "I have a favor to ask. You remember the park near my office right? He said.
  I was puzzled that I was unable to immediately respond to his question.
 "I was taking my little after lunch walk when I saw a mother with his two or three year old boy" he added.
 "Why you want to talk about that?" With confusion I asked.
 "The mother was screaming "wait, wait, wait" while chasing her son who's running away happily. At first I did not pay attention to them, suddenly I felt envy towards the boy realizing that I was once treated like him."
 From that night, our relationship changed drastically.
