BBC One minute World News 11 July, 2023
Major developments in the allegations that a BBC presenter paid a teenager for explicit photos. The corporation says just two attempts were made over several weeks to contact the family concerned.
The BBC's director general says the presenter was not spoken to until seven
weeks after the initial complaint where new information emerged.
The NATO Summit is underway in Vilnius with leaders divided on how to handle Ukraine's bid to join the alliance. President Zelensky has just arrived in
NATO首脳会議がヴィリニュスで開催中です。ウクライナの同盟加盟をどう扱うかで首脳たちの意見は分かれています。 ゼレンスキー大統領はちょうどリトアニアに到着しました。
And protests continue in Israel as the country's Parliament pushes ahead with a new law aimed at restricting judges powers.
And the number of migrant crossings in the central Mediterranean is up sharply according to the EU's border agency. We will have the latest from Italy.