
BBC 1分ニュース 10 October, 2022

Multiple explosions hit the Ukrainian capital Kiev with reports of other explosions in the West.  It comes as President Putin is due to chair (議長を務める)a meeting of his security council to discuss the explosion on Saturday that damaged a key bridge linking Russia with occupied Crimea.


As protests continue across Iran, mother Amini's cousin has spoken out about the aftermath of the 22 year old death.  Erfan Mortezai said he and his family have received death threats since the unrest began.

イラン全土で抗議デモが続く中、母アミニのいとこが22歳の死のその後を語っています。 Erfan Mortezai氏は、騒乱が始まって以来、彼と彼の家族は死の脅迫を受けていると語りました。

North Korea says its seven recent missile tests were drills to check and assess its nuclear deterrent.  State media said the exercises involve missiles designed to carry smaller tactical nuclear warheads(弾頭)


The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has asked the Security Council to urgently consider Haiti’s request for deployment of an international rapid action force for the country which is suffering a nationwide security crisis.



