BBC One minute World News 04 June, 2023
India's Railway Minister says the cause and those responsible for the country's worst train crash in decades have been identified. Rescue efforts have now ended. 275 people are known to have died with more than a thousand injuries.
インドの鉄道大臣は、この数十年で最悪の列車事故の原因と責任者が特定されたと発表しました。現在、救助活動は終了しています。 275人が死亡し、1000人以上が負傷していることが判明しています。
The BBC understands the cost of detaining and deporting people illegally arriving in the UK under the planned new legislation could reach 6 billion pounds over the next two years. The illegal migration bill which is currently going through Parliament would give the power to remove anyone arriving to the UK illegally and stop them claiming Asylum here.
China's Minister of Defense tells Asia's largest security conference that his
country won't hesitated for a second (一瞬たりとも)to use force in defense of its claims over Taiwan. General Lee Xiang Fu reiterated (強調する、繰り返し言う)its China's territory and warned other countries should not interfere.
中国のMinister of Defenseは、アジア最大の安全保障会議で、台湾の領有権に対し武力行使をすることに一瞬たりとも躊躇しないと発言しました。Lee Xiang Fuは、中国の領土であることを改めて強調し、他国は干渉すべきではないと警告しました。