
What I should do

I thought about what can do now today. 自分が今何が出来のかを、今日は考えてみた。 I don't know what's going to happen yet. まだ先の事はどうなるか分からないけど。 But I’m sure that I’m moving forward. でも確かに前へ進めていることは確かだ。 Still, what I want to do can't be achieved with my curren

    • The best holiday

      Today was the best holiday. 今日は最高の休日になった!! Basically, I like to be alone, but sometimes I feel lonely when I'm alone. 基本的には1人でいる事を好むが、たまに1人でいるのが寂しくなる時もある。 At that time, I recently made a new friend. そんな時に最近新しい友人が出来て。 It's really fun to i

      • My favorite place!!

        What kind of place is good for me? 自分にとってどんな場所がいいのだろか? I'm thinking a lot about such things. そんな事をよく考えている自分がいる。 I’m sure it’s not just me, but a lot of people’s problem. それはきっと僕だけじゃなくて多くの人の悩みだと思う。 That’s why I’m changing everything to wher

        • Today is bookkeeping exam

          This time, I challenged the exam with the intention that I couldn’t solve the problem at all due to lack of study. Then I was surprised that it solved more than I thought. I probably failed this time. I thought from the bottom of my hear

        What I should do

          Half a day when I couldn’t move

          I was so tired for half a day today that I couldn’t do anything. 今日は半日疲れていて何もできなかった💦 But I was able to do what I wanted to do. でもやって起きたいことはちゃんとやれた 笑 I’ll do my best to aim for my ideal lifestyle little by little!! 少しずつ自分の理想のライフスタイルを目指して頑張る

          Half a day when I couldn’t move

          Even if little by little‥‥

          Hello everybody!! 毎日5分でも英語の勉強して、いつかは話せるようになりたい。 I want to study English even for 5 minutes every day and  be able to talk someday. 少しでも長く時間作って英語の勉強しよう!! Let’s Make a little longer time to study English. 絶対諦めない。 I will never give up. いつか

          Even if little by little‥‥

          For the first time in a week

          Hello! everybody!! I wrote an English diary for the first time in a week. I have been studying on the app for the past week. ・Words looked up For the first time   〜ぶり Everybody. みんな Write a diary. 日記を書く I have been 〜 ing.   〜している[何かをしている

          For the first time in a week

          English diary for advance!!

          HI! My name is Zinnn. Nice to meet you everybody. I write a diary for study English.  Thank you in adovance. ・examine ward Diary 日記 Write for 〜するために書く Adovance 前進 進歩 上達

          English diary for advance!!