ユーススポーツ環境の改善を目指して⑤-ユーススポーツへの提言 by Kobe Bryant
NBAスター、Kobe BryantはProject Playを支持するアスリートの一人です。ユーススポーツを取り巻く環境に対して、元プロアスリートとしてだけでなく、父親としての視点からも提言をしています。そのインタビューを和訳しました(直訳と意訳が混ざっています)。
C: Hi, everybody. I’m Cari Champion along with Lakers legend Kobe Bryant. Kobe, so we just saw that from the latest public service announcement highlighting the fact that many kids retiring from sports. They need not do that. Why is it so important that kids stay with sports?
みなさん、こんにちは。私はCari Champion、レイカースのレジェンドKobe Bryantをお招きしています。Kobe、多くの子供達がスポーツから引退しているという事実に焦点を当てた公共事業による報告を目にしました、、、子供達がスポーツを辞める必要はありません。なぜ子供達にとっては大切なのですか?
K: Well, it teaches you a lot of valuable lessons. Aside from the physical, being fit, and aside from the mental health, being in situations playing sports, there is also emotional component too. Sports is the greatest metaphor we have for life. It teaches you things like how to deal with anxiety, communicating with each other, leadership, perform under pressure. All these are very valuable lessons.
C: Okay. So tell me about your involvement with project play.
Project Playとの関わりを教えてください
K: Well, it’s something I became passionate about because of their mission of how do you make the game become more engaging, how you enable kids to play. We live in an environment now where everything is extremely structured for children. Sports used to be something that kids go out and do for fun. But now it has become so regimented where parents are starting to kind of inject their own experiences or past failures, if you will, and want to their children, and it just takes the fun out of it.
C: And you talk about parents and what they do. And you are right that they are highly influential about what children do and what sports they don’t play. Talk about your involvement as a parent. We all know. We see that you are very visible with your daughters and playing basketball. What type of lessons do you pass on.
K: The lessons I try to pass on, one is the commitment that they have to each other. I’m trying to build a bond, kind of a sisterhood. The other thing is that the game is fun. So how do you pique their curiosity. How do you get them interested in sport. How do you teach them the game versus barking out instructions. Get them to think. When they can think and problem solve on their own, the game becomes something that they own. That’s something that becomes more enjoyable to them versus having another parent on the sideline barking out orders.
C: Helicopter parents.
K: Exactly.
C: How have you seen youth sports change over the years?
K: When many many moons ago, when I was younger. The AAU was something that started to come around. We started seeing sports being played more and more and more and more. And now it has come to a point where it’s basically a business. And a lot of these kids don’t have the opportunity to let their bodies heal; don’t have the opportunity to let themselves grow as basketball players or as athletes because of all the pressure that is being put on them. And not think it has been going downhill for quite a while.
C: We talked about how parents can do to be different. How about coaches. How can coaches do a better job? When they have these kids, actually, being under their wings if you will.
K: Teach, teach and listen. It’s not about us as coaches, and us winning or losing this game. It has nothing to do with this game. At this stage, it’s really about helping these individual children, these kids, get better. How do you help them become better people and better athletes. It’s not about you and winning the game. If you can remove yourself from that equation and just focus on teaching, that I think the kids’ experience will be better.
C: That’s a solid message. Get better. It’s not about you. Alright, Kobe Bryant thank you so much. We appreciate your involvement in project play, and the effort to keep kids involved in sports.
力強いメッセージですね。より良くなる。コーチではない。Kobe、本当にありがとう。あなたがProject Playに携わってくれる事、そして子供達がスポーツに関わり続けるための尽力に感謝します。