
去る2月17日(水)、朝日新聞の言論サイト 「論座」に私の最新記事「ヘラジカ「ムース」の称号こそがふさわしい野村克也の野球人生」が掲載されました[1]。



[1]鈴村裕輔, ヘラジカ「ムース」の称号こそがふさわしい野村克也の野球人生. 論座, 2020年2月17日, https://webronza.asahi.com/national/articles/2020021700001.html.

<Executive Summary>
Announcement of Articles: Moose Is the Best Honorary Title for Mr. Katsuya Nomura (Yusuke Suzumura)

My articles entitled with "Moose Is the Best Honorary Title for Mr. Katsuya Nomura" is run on the RONZA on 17th February 2020. In this articles I examine the brief history of Mr. Katsuya Nomura who had passed away at the age of 84 on 11th February 2020.
