昨日、朝日新聞社の言論サイト「論座」に私の論考「大谷翔平にしか適用されない「大谷ルール」が大リーグに導入された三つの理由」 が掲載されました[1]。
[1]鈴村裕輔, 大谷翔平にしか適用されない「大谷ルール」が大リーグに導入された三つの理由. 論座, 2022年4月13日, https://webronza.asahi.com/national/articles/2022041100005.html.
<Executive Summary>
Announcement of Articles: Three Reasons Why the "Ohtani Rule" Is Enacted in the MLB (Yusuke Suzumura)
My articles entitled with "Three Reasons Why the "Ohtani Rule" Is Enacted in the MLB" is run on the RONZA on 12th April 2022. In this articles I examined three reasons why the new rule as known as the "Ohtani Rule" is enacted at the Major League Baseball in the 2022 season.