去る3月24日(火)、朝日新聞の言論サイト 「論座」に私の最新記事「新型コロナ世界的流行でもIOCが東京五輪を中止できない三つの理由」が掲載されました[1]。
[1]鈴村裕輔, 新型コロナ世界的流行でもIOCが東京五輪を中止できない三つの理由. 論座, 2020年3月24日, https://webronza.asahi.com/politics/articles/2020032300003.html.
<Executive Summary>
Announcement of Articles: Three Reasons for a Postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games (Yusuke Suzumura)
My articles entitled with "Three Reasons for a Postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games" is run on the RONZA on 24th March 2020. In this articles I examine three reasons why the International Olympic Committee shall postpone the Tokyo Olympic Games.